Title: KVM Configuration #### Install Packages The following commands will install the Linux packages required for VCL to manage a KVM host: {panel}yum install libvirt virt-manager dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts bridge-utils libguestfs-tools \-y /sbin/chkconfig libvirtd on echo "Starting the libvirtd service..." /sbin/chkconfig libvirtd on /sbin/service libvirtd start{panel} The virt-manager package is optional.  It is a graphical utility which is used to manage KVM and other hypervisors controlled via libvirt.  The dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts package is usually necessary in order for virt-manager to render fonts correctly. #### Configure Networking The following commands will configure networking to allow KVM guests to communicate.  It configures a bridge named br0 on eth0, and br1 on eth1.  When configured this way, the network names in the VM host profile should be set to br0 and br1. {panel}echo "Stopping the NetworkManager service..." chkconfig NetworkManager off 2>/dev/null service NetworkManager stop 2>/dev/null yum erase NetworkManager \-y cat > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 < /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 < /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 < /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br1 </dev/null brctl delbr br0 2>/dev/null brctl addbr br0 brctl addif br0 eth0 echo "Configuring eth1 bridge..." ifdown br1 2>/dev/null brctl delbr br1 2>/dev/null brctl addbr br1 brctl addif br1 eth1 /sbin/chkconfig network on /sbin/service network restart{panel} #### Add a Network Storage Pool The following commands will add an NFS storage pool named images to the KVM host.  The */images* directory is exported via NFS from host **.  This directory is mounted as */mnt/kvm1* on the KVM host.  An entry is added to /etc/fstab to ensure the directory is mounted if the KVM host is rebooted. {panel}echo "Adding the images pool..." virsh pool-destroy images 2>/dev/null virsh pool-undefine images 2>/dev/null umount /images 2>/dev/null mkdir /images  2>/dev/null chmod \-R 0755 /images echo ' /images nfs vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,intr,rw,soft,bg 0 0' >> /etc/fstab mount \-a virsh pool-define-as \--name images \--type dir \--target /images virsh pool-autostart \--pool images virsh pool-start images{panel} #### Add a Local Storage Pool The following commands will define a storage pool named *local-vms* pointing to the */vms* directory on the local disk: {panel}echo "Adding the local-vms pool..." virsh pool-destroy local-vms 2>/dev/null virsh pool-undefine local-vms 2>/dev/null mkdir /vms 2>/dev/null chmod \-R 755 /vms virsh pool-define-as \--name local-vms \--type dir \--target /vms virsh pool-autostart \--pool local-vms virsh pool-start local-vms{panel}