Title: Create a Windows Base Image {excerpt}This page describes how to create a Windows base image.{excerpt}These instructions should work regardless of the provisioning engine being used (xCAT, VMware, etc.).  Ignore the {color:#0000ff}{*}VMware Only{*}{color} sections if you are attempting to create an image using xCAT or some other bare metal provisioning engine.  ### Requirements You will need the following: * Windows installation ISO file * Windows product key or KMS server address  The following must be done before an image can be captured: * A computer for the machine being captured has already been added to the VCL database * {color:#0000ff}{*}VMware Only{*}{color}: ** A VM host computer on which the guest is running as been added to the VCL database ** The guest VM has been assigned to the VM host via the *Virtual Hosts* link on the VCL website These instructions assume you have root access and are using a *bash* shell. ## {color:#0000ff}VMware Only:{color} Create a Virtual Machine ### Create a Virtual Machine #### VMware ESXi 4.x The instructions assume that VMware has been configured with the following bridged networks: * *Private*: bridged to private interface: eth0 * *Public*: bridged to public interface: eth1 * Launch the vSphere Client, connect to the ESXi host and login * Click File > New > Virtual Machine * Configuration: *Custom* * Name: _(doesn't matter)_ * Select a datastore where the VM will reside * Virtual Machine Version: *7* * Select the appropriate guest OS * Number of virtual processors: 1 * Memory: 1GB * How many NICs: 2 ** NIC 1: *Private*, E1000 ** NIC 2: *Public*, E1000 * SCSI controller: LSI Logic Parallel * Create a new virtual disk ** Disk Size: at least 30 GB ** Allocate and commit space on demand (Thin Provisioning): *Yes* ** Location: Store with the virtual machine ** Virtual Device Node: SCSI (0:0) ** Mode: Independent, Persistent * Edit the virtual machine settings before completion: *Yes* * Select the CD/DVD device ** Device Type: *Datastore ISO File* ** Click Browse and browse to an ISO file that has previously been copied to the datastore ** Connect at power on: *Yes* * Click Finish #### VMware Server 1.x The instructions assume that VMware has been configured with the following bridged networks: * VMnet0: bridged to private interface: eth0 * VMnet2: bridged to public interface: eth1 * Launch the VMware Server console and connect to the local VMware host: {tip} vmware & {tip} * Virtual Machine Configuration: *Typical* * Guest Operating System: *Microsoft Windows* * Version: *Windows XP Professional* (select the appropriate version if you are not installing XP) * Name: *vmwarewinxp-base7-v1* * Network connection: *Custom* ** /dev/vmnet0\* * Disk size: *8.0 GB* ** Allocate all disk space now: *no* ** Split disk into 2GB files: *yes* * Edit virtual machine settings ** Configure the VM CD-ROM drive to use the Windows XP ISO image ** Connection: *Use ISO image*: browse to path of Windows XP ISO image copied to the VMware host * Add: Ethernet Adapter ** Network Connection: *Custom* ** \*/dev/vmnet2\* #### VMware Server 2.x * Open the VMware Infrastructure Web Access page: {info:icon=false}https://:8333{info} * Click the *Virtual Machine* menu * Select *Create Virtual Machine* * Name and Location ** Name: *Windows XP Base* ** Datastore: *standard* (This causes the VM to be created under /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines) * Guest Operating System ** Operating System: *Windows operating system* ** Version: *Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32-bit)* ** Product Compatibility: *4* (Optional - the hardware version can be set to the default value of *7* if you do not have any older VMware Server 1.x hosts in your environment) * Memory and Processors ** Memory Size: *1024 MB* ** Processor Count: *1* * Hard Disk ** Click *Create a New Virtual* *** Capacity: at least *20 GB* (This value can be adjusted to suit the size of the VMware host's disk. It is best to create the base image with a large enough hard drive to accomodate your largest image. The hard drive of a VM can be expanded but it is a manual, time-consuming process.) *** File Options **** Allocate all disk space now: no **** Split disk into 2 GB files: yes *** Disk Mode: *Independent/Persistent* * Network Adapter ** Click *Add a Network Adapter* *** Network Connection: select the name of your *private* network * CD/DVD Drive ** Click *Use an ISO* *** Select the Windows ISO image you copied to the host. The ISO file must reside in */var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines* in order to be able to select it from this interface. * Don't Add a Floppy Drive * Don't Add a USB * Click *Finish* * Select the VM from the Inventory pane * Click *Add Hardware* on the right side of the page * Select *Network Adapter* ** Network Connection: select the name of your *public* network * Click *Next* > *Finish* ## Install Windows [Install Windows for a Base Image](install-windows-for-a-base-image.html) ## {color:#0000ff}VMware Only:{color} Install VMware Tools 1. Power on the VM if it is not already powered on 1. Install VMWare Tools  (Note: you must have a CD-ROM drive configured for the VM in order to install VMware Tools) 1. # Click on the VM menu and select "Install VMWare Tools" 1. # Select Typical and proceed through the setup pages accepting the defaults 1. # Reboot the VM when installation is complete ## Install Cygwin SSHD Follow the steps: [Install & Configure Cygwin SSHD](install-&-configure-cygwin-sshd.html) {include:Capture A Base Image}