#!/bin/bash export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin partimageinstall () { # based on install.sh from xcat 1.3 by Egan Ford imgpath=$(dirname $1) # needs to be path to image files myimage=$(basename $1 .img) # needs to be image without path or .gz disk=$(basename $2) # needs to be disk - i.e. sda altdisk=$disk if [[ "$disk" = "sdb" ]] && dmesg | grep -q 'SCSI device sdb' && (! dmesg | grep -q 'SCSI device sda' || ls /dev/disk/by-id -l | grep -q sda | grep -q usb) && # sda doesn't exist or it exists and is usb [[ -f $myimage-sda.sfdisk ]] && [[ ! -f $myimage-sdb.sfdisk ]] ; then altdisk="sda" fi DONE=0 OLD="" cd $imgpath NUMPART=$(cat $myimage-$altdisk.sfdisk | grep "^/dev/$altdisk" | grep -v Win95 | grep -v Extended | grep -v Empty | grep -v "Id= 0" | grep -v "Id= 5" | grep -v "Id=82" | grep -v swap | awk '{print $1}' | wc -l) for i in $(cat $myimage-$altdisk.sfdisk | grep "^/dev/$altdisk" | grep -v Win95 | grep -v Extended | grep -v Empty | grep -v "Id= 0" | grep -v "Id= 5" | grep -v "Id=82" | grep -v swap | awk '{print $1}') do PARTNAME=$(basename ${i/$altdisk/$disk}) if (("$NUMPART" > "1")) then #PARTNAMEIMG=${PARTNAME/#??/part} PARTNAMEIMG=$(basename $i | sed 's/^../part/') INPUTFILE=$myimage-$PARTNAMEIMG.gz else INPUTFILE=$myimage.gz fi if [ "$DONE" = "0" ] then if [ -r $myimage-$altdisk.sfdisk ] then sfdisk /dev/$disk <$myimage-$altdisk.sfdisk fi if [ -r $myimage-$altdisk.mbr ] then dd if=$myimage-$altdisk.mbr of=/dev/$disk sfdisk /dev/$disk <$myimage-$altdisk.sfdisk else OLD=".6.0" partimage$OLD -b -f3 restmbr $INPUTFILE fi sfdisk /dev/$disk -R DONE=1 fi echo running partimage$OLD -b -f3 restore /dev/$PARTNAME $INPUTFILE logger -t xcat "running partimage$OLD -b -f3 restore /dev/$PARTNAME $INPUTFILE" sleep 5 if ! partimage$OLD -B x=x -f3 restore /dev/$PARTNAME $INPUTFILE 2>> /tmp/partimageng ; then echo partimage exited with a non-zero status, failing logger -t xcat "partimage exited with a non-zero status, failing" return 1 fi done tput clear tput sgr0 tput cnorm for i in $(sfdisk -l /dev/$disk | grep "Linux swap" | awk '{print $1}') do echo "Setting up swap on $i" if [ `echo $myimage | grep fc7` ] then label=SWAP-`echo $(basename $i) | sed -e "s/[sh]d/part/"` else label=SWAP-$(basename $i) fi mkswap -L $label $i done } partimagesave () { # based on save.sh from xcat 1.3 by Egan Ford imgpath=$(dirname $1) # needs to be path to image files myimage=$(basename $1 .img) # needs to be image without path or .gz disk=$(basename $2) # needs to be disk - i.e. sda altdisk=$disk if [[ "$disk" = "sdb" ]] && dmesg | grep -q 'SCSI device sdb' && (! dmesg | grep -q 'SCSI device sda' || ls /dev/disk/by-id -l | grep -q sda | grep -q usb) ; then # sda doesn't exist or it exists and is usb altdisk="sda" fi logger -t xcat "Getting partitons for $disk" echo "Partitions for $disk" sfdisk -l /dev/$disk echo "===" NUMPART=$(sfdisk -l /dev/$disk | grep "^/dev/$disk" | grep -v Win95 | grep -v Extended | grep -v Empty | grep -v "Id= 0" | grep -v swap | awk '{print $1}' | wc -l) logger -t xcat "number of partitions found: $NUMPART" dd if=/dev/$disk of=$imgpath/$myimage-$altdisk.mbr count=1 bs=512 sfdisk /dev/$disk -d >$imgpath/$myimage-$disk.sfdisk.tmp if [ -s $imgpath/$myimage-$disk.sfdisk.tmp ] then mv -f $imgpath/$myimage-$disk.sfdisk.tmp $imgpath/$myimage-$disk.sfdisk if [[ "$disk" != "$altdisk" ]]; then cat $imgpath/$myimage-$disk.sfdisk | sed "s/$disk/$altdisk/" > $imgpath/$myimage-$altdisk.sfdisk rm -f $imgpath/$myimage-$disk.sfdisk fi else rm -f $imgpath/$myimage-$disk.sfdisk.tmp fi logger -t xcat "saving individual partitions" for i in $(sfdisk -l /dev/$disk | grep "^/dev/$disk" | grep -v Win95 | grep -v Extended | grep -v Empty | grep -v swap | awk '{print $1}') do PARTNAME=$(basename $i) logger -t xcat "working with $PARTNAME" if (("$NUMPART" > "1")) then PARTNAMEIMG=${PARTNAME/#??/part} OUTPUTFILE=$imgpath/$myimage-$PARTNAMEIMG.gz else OUTPUTFILE=$imgpath/$myimage.gz fi echo running partimage -z1 -f3 -odbc save /dev/$PARTNAME $OUTPUTFILE logger -t xcat "running partimage -z1 -f3 -odbc save /dev/$PARTNAME $OUTPUTFILE" sleep 5 if ! partimage -z1 -f3 -odbc save /dev/$PARTNAME $OUTPUTFILE; then echo partimage exited with a non-zero status, failing logger -t xcat "partimage exited with a non-zero status, failing" exit # do we exit or return a value to fail? return 1 fi done tput clear tput sgr0 tput cnorm cd $imgpath for i in *.000 do mv $i ${i%%.000} done return 0 } exec 2>/tmp/partimageng.log set -x depmod -a modprobe nfs modprobe scsi_transport_sas modprobe mptbase modprobe mptscsih modprobe mptsas modprobe mptspi # check for problem of $MASTER being an unknown host if ! ping -c 1 $MASTER &> /dev/null; then echo "CRITICAL ERROR: could not ping $MASTER, rebooting" sleep 3 /sbin/reboot exit fi logger -t xcat "mounting $IMAGELIBSERVER:$IMAGELIBINSTALLDIR --> /install" mount -o nfsvers=3,tcp,nolock,rw $IMAGELIBSERVER:$IMAGELIBINSTALLDIR /install reboot='' usepartimageng=0 # this controls what is used to save images for o in `cat /proc/cmdline` ; do case $o in image=*) image=${o#image=} ;; device=*) device=${o#device=} ;; action=*) action=${o#action=} ;; blocks=*) blocks=${o#blocks=} ;; reboot) reboot=reboot ;; usepartimageng=*) usepartimageng=${o#usepartimageng=} esac done /install/image/x86/installer_files/listener.py & sleep 10 devices=`\ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | awk '{print $11}'` logger -t xcat "disks: $devices" if [ "x$device" == "x" ] ; then device=$(\ls /dev/disk/by-id -l | grep -v total | grep -v usb | head -1 | awk '{print $11}' | sed 's/[\.\/]//g') if ! echo $device | egrep -q '(sd[a-f]|hd[a-f])'; then device=$(cat /proc/partitions | egrep -v '(ram|major)' | egrep '\w' | sort -k 3 -n -r | head -1 | awk '{print $4}') fi if ! echo $device | egrep -q '(sd[a-f]|hd[a-f])'; then echo "No device specified and could not guess a valid device" logger -t xcat "partimage failed: no device specified and could not guess a valid device" #/xcatpost/updateflag.awk $MASTER 3002 if [ "x$reboot" == "xreboot" ] ; then /sbin/reboot else while : ; do sleep 3600 ; done fi exit 1 else echo "No device specified, trying with guessed device /dev/$device" logger -t xcat "No device specified, trying with guessed device /dev/$device" fi device="/dev/$device" fi if [ "x$action" == "xsave" ] ; then touch /tmp/save if [ "$usepartimageng" = "0" ]; then cmd="partimage" partimagesave $image $device rc=$? if [ "$rc" = "0" ]; then echo "partimage successfully saved image" logger -t xcat "partimage successfully saved image" else echo "partimage failed to saved image" logger -t xcat "partimage failed to saved image" fi else cmd="partimage-ng" echo running /sbin/partimage-ng -b $blocks save $device $image logger -t xcat "running /sbin/partimage-ng -p -b $blocks save $device $image" /sbin/partimage-ng -p -b $blocks save $device $image > /tmp/partimageng rc=$? if [ "$rc" = "0" ]; then echo gzipping $image logger -t xcat "gzipping $image" touch /tmp/savegzip if gzip $image; then echo gzipping finished, removing .gz extension from filename logger -t xcat "gzipping finished, removing .gz extension from filename" mv $image.gz $image else echo "gzipping failed" logger -t xcat "gzipping failed" fi fi fi if [ "$rc" = "0" ]; then touch $image.capturedone logger -t xcat "$cmd exited normally" else touch $image.capturefailed logger -t xcat "$cmd failed with exit code $rc" fi elif [ "x$action" == "xrestore" ] ; then touch /tmp/restore testfile=$(echo $image | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') if \ls -1 $testfile*.mbr > /dev/null; then partimageinstall $image $device partimageinstall $image $device rc=$? if [ "$rc" = "0" ]; then echo "partimage successfully loaded image" logger -t xcat "partimage successfully loaded image" else echo "partimage failed to load image" logger -t xcat "partimage failed to load image" fi else echo "running zcat $image | /sbin/partimage-ng -p -b $blocks restore stdin $device" logger -t xcat "running zcat $image | /sbin/partimage-ng -p -b $blocks restore stdin $device" zcat $image | /sbin/partimage-ng -p -b $blocks restore stdin $device > /tmp/partimageng rc=$? if [ "$rc" = "0" ]; then echo "partimage-ng successfully loaded image" logger -t xcat "partimage-ng successfully loaded image" echo "running /sbin/parted $device set 1 boot on" logger -t xcat "running /sbin/parted $device set 1 boot on" /sbin/parted $device set 1 boot on else echo "partimage-ng failed to load image" logger -t xcat "partimage-ng failed to load image" fi fi else echo "unknown action supplied" logger -t xcat "unknown action supplied" exit 1 fi touch /tmp/done if [ "$rc" = "0" ]; then /xcatpost/updateflag.awk $MASTER 3002 fi if [ "x$reboot" == "xreboot" ] ; then /sbin/reboot else while : ; do sleep 3600 ; done fi