foreach(array_keys($_COOKIE) as $key) {
if(preg_match('/^_shibsession[_0-9a-fA-F]+$/', $key))
setcookie($key, "", time() - 10, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
# redirect to main select auth page
header("Location: " . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=selectauth");
print "
Error with Shibboleth authentication
print "You have attempted to log in using Shibboleth from an
print "institution that does not allow VCL to see your
print "eduPersonPrincipalName.
print "You need to contact the administrator of your institution's
print "IdP to have eduPersonPrincipalName made available to VCL in
print "order to log in using Shibboleth.\n";
$msg = "Someone tried to log in to VCL using Shibboleth from an IdP "
. "that does not release eppn to us.\n\n"
. "The following data was in \$_SERVER:\n\n";
foreach($_SERVER as $key => $val)
$msg .= "$key => $val\n";
$mailParams = "-f" . ENVELOPESENDER;
mail(ERROREMAIL, "Error with VCL pages (eppn not provided)", $msg, '', $mailParams);
// open keys
$fp = fopen(".ht-inc/keys.pem", "r");
$key = fread($fp, 8192);
$keys["private"] = openssl_pkey_get_private($key, $pemkey);
if(! $keys['private'])
$fp = fopen(".ht-inc/pubkey.pem", "r");
$key = fread($fp, 8192);
$keys["public"] = openssl_pkey_get_public($key);
if(! $keys['public'])
# get VCL affiliation from shib affiliation
$tmp = explode(';', $_SERVER['eppn']);
$tmp = explode('@', $tmp[0]);
$username = strtolower($tmp[0]);
$tmp1 = mysql_escape_string(strtolower($tmp[1]));
$query = "SELECT name, shibonly FROM affiliation WHERE shibname = '$tmp1'";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
# if shib affiliation not already in VCL, create affiliation
if(! ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
$affil = strtolower($tmp[1]);
$tmp = explode('.', $affil);
$affilname = strtoupper(implode('', $tmp));
$affilname = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9]/', '', $affilname);
$query = "SELECT name, "
. "shibname "
. "FROM affiliation "
. "WHERE name LIKE '$affilname%' "
. "ORDER BY name DESC "
. "LIMIT 1";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
if(preg_match("/$affilname([0-9]+)/", $row['name'], $matches)) {
$cnt = $matches[1];
$newaffilname = $affilname . $cnt;
elseif($affilname != $row['name'] && $affil != $row['shibname']) {
$newaffilname = $affilname;
else {
$msg = "Someone tried to log in to VCL using Shibboleth from an IdP "
. "affiliation that could not be automatically added.\n\n"
. "eppn: {$_SERVER['eppn']}\n"
. "givenName: {$_SERVER['givenName']}\n"
. "sn: {$_SERVER['sn']}\n";
if(array_key_exists('mail', $_SERVER))
$msg .= "mail: {$_SERVER['mail']}\n\n";
$msg .="tried to add VCL affiliation name \"$affilname\" with "
. "shibname \"$affil\"";
$mailParams = "-f" . ENVELOPESENDER;
mail(ERROREMAIL, "Error with VCL pages (problem adding shib affil)", $msg, '', $mailParams);
print "\n";
print "Error encountered
print "You have attempted to log in to VCL using a Shibboleth
print "Identity Provider that VCL has not been configured to
print "work with. VCL administrators have been notified of the
print "problem.
print "\n";
$newaffilname = $affilname;
$query = "INSERT INTO affiliation "
. "(name, "
. "shibname, "
. "shibonly) "
. "('$newaffilname', "
. "'" . mysql_escape_string($affil) . "', "
. "1)";
doQuery($query, 101, 'vcl', 1);
$row = array('name' => $newaffilname, 'shibonly' => 1);
$affil = $row['name'];
# create VCL userid
$userid = "$username@$affil";
if($row['shibonly']) {
$userdata = updateShibUser($userid);
updateShibGroups($userdata['id'], $_SERVER['affiliation']);
$usernid = $userdata['id'];
else {
$usernid = getUserlistID($userid, 1);
if(is_null($usernid)) {
$tmp = updateShibUser($userid);
$usernid = $tmp['id'];
$affilid = getAffiliationID($affil);
addLoginLog($userid, 'shibboleth', $affilid, 1);
# uncomment the following and change EXAMPLE1 to match your needs to add all
# users from a specific affiliation to a particular user group
/*if($affil == 'EXAMPLE1') {
$gid = getUserGroupID('All EXAMPLE1 Users', $affilid);
$query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO usergroupmembers "
. "(userid, usergroupid) "
. "VALUES ($usernid, $gid)";
doQuery($query, 307);
if(array_key_exists('Shib-logouturl', $_SERVER))
$logouturl = $_SERVER['Shib-logouturl'];
$logouturl = '';
# save data to shibauth table
$shibdata = array('Shib-Application-ID' => $_SERVER['Shib-Application-ID'],
'Shib-Identity-Provider' => $_SERVER['Shib-Identity-Provider'],
#'Shib-AuthnContext-Dec' => $_SERVER['Shib-AuthnContext-Decl'],
'Shib-logouturl' => $logouturl,
'eppn' => $_SERVER['eppn'],
'unscoped-affiliation' => $_SERVER['unscoped-affiliation'],
'affiliation' => $_SERVER['affiliation'],
$serdata = mysql_escape_string(serialize($shibdata));
$query = "SELECT id "
. "FROM shibauth "
. "WHERE sessid = '{$_SERVER['Shib-Session-ID']}'";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
$shibauthid = $row['id'];
else {
$ts = strtotime($_SERVER['Shib-Authentication-Instant']);
$ts = unixToDatetime($ts);
$query = "INSERT INTO shibauth "
. "(userid, "
. "ts, "
. "sessid, "
. "data) "
. "($usernid, "
. "'$ts', "
. "'{$_SERVER['Shib-Session-ID']}', "
. "'$serdata')";
doQuery($query, 101);
$qh = doQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM shibauth", 101);
if(! $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) {
# todo
$shibauthid = $row[0];
# get cookie data
$cookie = getAuthCookieData($userid, 600, $shibauthid);
# set cookie
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.2", ">=") == true)
#setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", $cookie['ts'], "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 1, 1);
setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", 0, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 0, 1);
#setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", $cookie['ts'], "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 1);
setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", 0, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN);
# set skin cookie based on affiliation
switch($affil) {
case 'Example1':
case 'EXAMPLE2':
$skin = strtoupper($affil);
setcookie("VCLSKIN", $skin, (time() + 2678400), "/", COOKIEDOMAIN);
setcookie("VCLSKIN", "default", (time() + 2678400), "/", COOKIEDOMAIN);
header("Location: " . BASEURL . "/");