Great Apache Unomi stories!

How and why Apache Unomi is used.

Powered by Apache Unomi

Products using Apache Unomi

Jahia jExperience

Jahia is the initial contributor of Apache Unomi and is using it as an engine to integrate content and data in their Customer Data Platform (jExperience) and Digital Experience Platform (Jahia) while respecting privacy through Unomi's native GDPR support. They are also leading the Customer Data Platform specification being worked on at the OASIS Context Server Technical Committee. Apache Unomi is the reference implementation of that standard.

"Apache Unomi, thanks to its strong foundation in Apache Karaf and ElasticSearch, is a very modular and, completely open and performant CDP engine that is a very important foundation of our products. We love Apache Unomi, we work hard to encourage others to adopt it, we are here to help and we are deeply committed to helping our customers succeed with it." - Serge Huber, Jahia CTO.

Ninetailed Personalization Platform

Ninetailed use Apache Unomi to provide a complete view of the visitors; to discover new visitor segments, choose from personalization recommendations, so their customers can test their ideas and grow the traffic they already have.

"Apache Unomi was chosen as our CDP due the logical and plugin architecture, because it is an Apache Open Source project and specially because of its Privacy (GPDR consent management) features. This lets the user own their data, but also marketers and developers improve the user journey to help the users in their decision process and brand experience" - Andy Kaiser, Ninetailed founder

Dropsolid - The Digital Experience Company

The Dropsolid Experience Cloud delivers an out of box DXP ready enhanced Drupal CMS, Mautic marketing automation platform and Unomi CDP to build powerful user experiences. Apache Unomi is tightly integrated and gives us smart segments to allow the website builders to diversify or enrich the content based on the surfer. These segments also are used in the marketing automation system. This results in smart mailings to interested groups. Apache Unomi is feeding multiple systems here.

"Our goal is to make the digital experience as seamless as possible and Apache Unomi was the puzzle piece that fitted perfectly here. As we have a rich contribution history we will certainly try to help the Apache ecosystem improve, where we can. Apache Unomi was the obvious customer data platform to integrate in our DXP solution." - Mattias Michaux, Director of Engineering.

Commercial Support

Companies offering commercial support for Apache Unomi


Yupiik is an expert team with a solid experience in digital and information technologies, heavily involved in the Apache Software Foundation. Their team are the developers and contributors of many well known Apache projects, such as Apache Karaf, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel, Apache Unomi, and many more.

Calling for more stories

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