Apache UIMA Ruta (TM) v3.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This release is compatible with UIMA v3, but not compatible with UIMA v2. For compatibility to UIMA v2, please refer to the latest UIMA Ruta v2 release, e.g., 2.8.0. Building from the Source Distribution ------------------------------------- We use Maven 3.0 and Java 8 or later for building; download this if needed, and set the environment variable MAVEN_OPTS to -Xmx800m. Then do the build by going into the UIMA Ruta directory, and issuing the command mvn clean install This builds everything except the ...source-release.zip file. If you want that, change the command to mvn clean install -Papache-release For more details, please see https://uima.apache.org/building-uima.html ------------------------------------- This product was originally released as Apache UIMA TextMarker. The UIMA Ruta Workbench provides a command for updating old projects. Please right-click on a project and select "UIMA Ruta -> Update Project". ------------------------------------- The UIMA Ruta analysis engine requires type priorities for the correct execution of rules. If a CAS is created using the CasCreationUtils, please provide the type priorities, e.g., by: URL tpUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/org/apache/uima/ruta/engine/TypePriorities.xml"); TypePriorities typePriorities = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parseTypePriorities( new XMLInputSource(tpUrl)); CAS cas = CasCreationUtils.createCas(descriptor, typePriorities, new FsIndexDescription[0]); ------------------------------------- Using the jcasgen-maven-plugin may cause problems if it creates duplicate classes for the internal UIMA Ruta types (overwriting the implementation of RutaBasic). Depending on the location of the type system descriptors, the plugin should be configured to be limited on the project, or the UIMA Ruta type system descriptors should explicitly be excluded: /**/BasicTypeSystem.xml /**/InternalTypeSystem.xml