UIMA ReferencesUIMA References
JavadocsChapter 1, Javadocs
Using named Eclipse User LibrariesSection 1.1, “Using named Eclipse User Libraries”
Component Descriptor ReferenceChapter 2, Component Descriptor Reference
NotationSection 2.1, “Notation”
ImportsSection 2.2, “Imports”???TITLE???Section 2.2, “Imports”
Type System DescriptorsSection 2.3, “Type System Descriptors”
ImportsSection 2.3.1, “Imports”
TypesSection 2.3.2, “Types”
FeaturesSection 2.3.3, “Features”
String SubtypesSection 2.3.4, “String Subtypes”
Analysis Engine DescriptorsSection 2.4, “Analysis Engine Descriptors”
Primitive Analysis Engine DescriptorsSection 2.4.1, “Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors”
Basic StructureSection, “Basic Structure”
Analysis Engine MetaDataSection, “Analysis Engine MetaData”
Configuration Parameter DeclarationSection, “Configuration Parameter Declaration”
Examplethe section called “Example”
Configuration Parameter SettingsSection, “Configuration Parameter Settings”
Examplethe section called “Example”
Type System DefinitionSection, “Type System Definition”
Type Priority DefinitionSection, “Type Priority Definition”
Index DefinitionSection, “Index Definition”
CapabilitiesSection, “Capabilities”
OperationalPropertiesSection, “OperationalProperties”
External Resource DependenciesSection, “External Resource Dependencies”
Resource Manager ConfigurationSection, “Resource Manager Configuration”
Environment Variable ReferencesSection, “Environment Variable References”
Aggregate Analysis Engine DescriptorsSection 2.4.2, “Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors”
Delegate Analysis Engine SpecifiersSection, “Delegate Analysis Engine Specifiers”
FlowControllerSection, “FlowController”
FlowConstraintsSection, “FlowConstraints”
Fixed Flowthe section called “Fixed Flow”
Capability Language Flowthe section called “Capability Language Flow”
Configuration Parameter OverridesSection, “Configuration Parameter Overrides”
External Resource BindingsSection, “External Resource Bindings”
Sofa MappingsSection, “Sofa Mappings”
Flow Controller DescriptorsSection 2.5, “Flow Controller Descriptors”
Collection Processing Component DescriptorsSection 2.6, “Collection Processing Component Descriptors”
Collection Reader DescriptorsSection 2.6.1, “Collection Reader Descriptors”
CAS Initializer Descriptors (deprecated)Section 2.6.2, “CAS Initializer Descriptors (deprecated)”
CAS Consumer DescriptorsSection 2.6.3, “CAS Consumer Descriptors”
Service Client DescriptorsSection 2.7, “Service Client Descriptors”
Custom Resource SpecifiersSection 2.8, “Custom Resource Specifiers”
Collection Processing Engine Descriptor ReferenceChapter 3, Collection Processing Engine Descriptor Reference
CPE OverviewSection 3.1, “CPE Overview”CPE Runtime OverviewFigure 3.1, “CPE Runtime Overview”
NotationSection 3.2, “Notation”
ImportsSection 3.3, “Imports”
CPE Descriptor OverviewSection 3.4, “CPE Descriptor Overview”
Collection ReaderSection 3.5, “Collection Reader”
Error handling for Collection ReadersSection 3.5.1, “Error handling for Collection Readers”
CAS ProcessorsSection 3.6, “CAS Processors”
Specifying an Individual CAS ProcessorSection 3.6.1, “Specifying an Individual CAS Processor”
<descriptor> ElementSection, “<descriptor> Element”
<configurationParameterSettings> ElementSection, “<configurationParameterSettings> Element”
<sofaNameMappings> ElementSection, “<sofaNameMappings> Element”
<runInSeparateProcess> ElementSection, “<runInSeparateProcess> Element”
<deploymentParameters> ElementSection, “<deploymentParameters> Element”
<filter> ElementSection, “<filter> Element”
<errorHandling> ElementSection, “<errorHandling> Element”
Retry action taken on a timeoutthe section called “Retry action taken on a timeout”
<checkpoint> ElementSection, “<checkpoint> Element”
CPE Operational ParametersSection 3.7, “CPE Operational Parameters”
Resource Manager ConfigurationSection 3.8, “Resource Manager Configuration”
Example CPE DescriptorSection 3.9, “Example CPE Descriptor”
CAS ReferenceChapter 4, CAS Reference
JavadocsSection 4.1, “Javadocs”
CAS OverviewSection 4.2, “CAS Overview”
The Type SystemSection 4.2.1, “The Type System”
Creating, accessing and manipulating dataSection 4.2.2, “Creating/Accessing/Changing data”
Creating and using indexesSection 4.2.3, “Creating and using indexes”
Built-in CAS TypesSection 4.3, “Built-in CAS Types”???TITLE???Section 4.3, “Built-in CAS Types”
Accessing the type systemSection 4.4, “Accessing the type system”
TypeSystemPrinter exampleSection 4.4.1, “TypeSystemPrinter example”
Using the CAS APIs to create and modify feature structuresSection 4.4.2, “Using CAS APIs: Feature Structures”
Creating feature structuresSection 4.5, “Creating feature structures”
Accessing or modifying features of feature structuresSection 4.6, “Accessing or modifying Features”
Indexes and IteratorsSection 4.7, “Indexes and Iterators”
Built-in IndexesSection 4.7.1, “Built-in Indexes”
Adding Feature Structures to the IndexesSection 4.7.2, “Adding Feature Structures to the Indexes”
IteratorsSection 4.7.3, “Iterators”
Special iterators for Annotation typesSection 4.7.4, “Special iterators for Annotation types”
Constraints and Filtered iteratorsSection 4.7.5, “Constraints and Filtered iterators”
The CAS API's – a guide to the JavadocsSection 4.8, “CAS API's Javadocs”
APIs in the CAS packageSection 4.8.1, “APIs in the CAS package”CAS Object hierarchyFigure 4.1, “CAS Object hierarchy”
JCas ReferenceChapter 5, JCas Reference
Name SpacesSection 5.1, “Name Spaces”
XML description elementSection 5.2, “Use of XML Description”
Mapping built-in CAS types to Java typesSection 5.3, “Mapping built-in CAS types to Java types”
Augmenting the generated Java CodeSection 5.4, “Augmenting the generated Java Code”
Persistence of additional dataSection 5.4.1, “Persistence of additional data”
Keeping hand-coded augmentations when regeneratingSection 5.4.2, “Keeping hand-coded augmentations when regenerating”
Additional ConstructorsSection 5.4.3, “Additional Constructors”
Using readObjectSection, “Using readObject”
Modifying generated itemsSection 5.4.4, “Modifying generated items”
Merging typesSection 5.5, “Merging Types”
Aggregate AEs and CPEs as sources of typesSection 5.5.1, “Aggregate AEs and CPEs as sources of types”
JCasGen support for type mergingSection 5.5.2, “JCasGen support for type merging”
Impact of Type Merging on Composability of AnnotatorsSection 5.5.3, “Type Merging impacts on Composability”
Adding Features to DocumentAnnotationSection 5.5.4, “Adding Features to DocumentAnnotation”
Using JCas within an AnnotatorSection 5.6, “Using JCas within an Annotator”
Creating new instances using the Java “new” operatorSection 5.6.1, “Creating new instances”
Getters and SettersSection 5.6.2, “Getters and Setters”
Obtaining references to IndexesSection 5.6.3, “Obtaining references to Indexes”
Adding (and removing) instances to (from) indexesSection 5.6.4, “Updating Indexes”
Using IteratorsSection 5.6.5, “Using Iterators”
Class Loaders in UIMASection 5.6.6, “Class Loaders in UIMA”
Use of Class Loaders is optionalSection, “Use of Class Loaders is optional”
Issues accessing JCas objects outside of UIMA Engine ComponentsSection 5.6.7, “Issues accessing JCas objects outside of UIMA Engine Components”
Setting up Classpath for JCasSection 5.7, “Setting up Classpath for JCas”
PEAR isolationSection 5.8, “PEAR isolation”
PEAR ReferenceChapter 6, PEAR Reference
Packaging a UIMA componentSection 6.1, “Packaging a UIMA component”
Creating the PEAR structureSection 6.1.1, “Creating the PEAR structure”The PEAR StructureFigure 6.1, “The PEAR Structure”
Populating the PEAR structureSection 6.1.2, “Populating the PEAR structure”
Standard TypeSection, “Standard Type”
Service TypeSection, “Service Type”
Network TypeSection, “Network Type”
Creating the installation descriptorSection 6.1.3, “Creating the installation descriptor”
Documented template for the installation descriptor: Section 6.1.4, “Installation Descriptor: template”
The ID, NAME, and DESC tagsSection, “The ID, NAME, and DESC tags”
Tags related to deployment typesSection, “Tags related to deployment types”
Standard Typethe section called “Standard Type”
Service Typethe section called “Service Type”
Network Typethe section called “Network Type”
The Collection Reader and CAS Consumer tagsSection, “The Collection Reader and CAS Consumer tags”
The INSTALLATION sectionSection, “The INSTALLATION section”
Packaging the PEAR structure into one fileSection 6.1.5, “Packaging the PEAR structure into one file”
Installing a PEAR packageSection 6.2, “Installing a PEAR package”
Installing a PEAR file using the PEAR APIsSection 6.2.1, “Installing a PEAR file using the PEAR APIs”
PEAR package descriptorSection 6.3, “PEAR package descriptor”
XMI CAS Serialization ReferenceChapter 7, XMI CAS Serialization Reference
XMI TagSection 7.1, “XMI Tag”
Feature StructuresSection 7.2, “Feature Structures”
Primitive FeaturesSection 7.3, “Primitive Features”
Reference FeaturesSection 7.4, “Reference Features”
Array and List FeaturesSection 7.5, “Array and List Features”
Arrays and Lists as Multi-Valued PropertiesSection 7.5.1, “Arrays and Lists as Multi-Valued Properties”
Arrays and Lists as First-Class ObjectsSection 7.5.2, “Arrays and Lists as First-Class Objects”
Null Array/List ElementsSection 7.5.3, “Null Array/List Elements”
Subjects of Analysis (Sofas) and ViewsSection 7.6, “Subjects of Analysis (Sofas) and Views”
Linking an XMI Document to its Ecore Type SystemSection 7.7, “Linking XMI docs to Ecore Type System”
Delta CAS XMI FormatSection 7.8, “Delta CAS XMI Format”