Some tokenization "test" to do ! We are checking so-so and so - so and --- also... Especially we are interested in abrs e.g. Ave. which are very special. Single char abrs like John C. Mills. This is zyz. but not known as abbreviation. This is zyz. BUT not known as abbreviation. Another case is . in a sentence??? Or .Net .12 or so. Numbers 9.23 1,23 $12 22% #2 and so on !!! Parentheses (which are important) and [numeric] {expressions} ((*)) like (3 - 5) + 2 * -1 / 12 or 1/2 must work too. Also and and @are also@ ### $$ @@ -checked. Commas, and semicolons; and colons: are ::: interesting,,, ,too? Apostrophes ''' are' 'interesting as well: L'Oreal Tom's 'don't' 1'2'3 8''. Also 'used' as 'quotations'. Let's go to the internet-cafe and chat with foo-bar. The next lines are paragraph boundary tests: tok1 tok2 tok3 tok4 tok5 - tokX tokY tok6