UIMA Tutorial and Developers' Guides UIMA Tutorial and Developers' Guides
Annotator and Analysis Engine Developer's Guide Chapter 1, Annotator and Analysis Engine Developer's Guide
Getting Started Section 1.1, “Getting Started”
Defining Types Section 1.1.1, “Defining Types”
Generating Java Source Files for CAS Types Section 1.1.2, “Generating Java Source Files for CAS Types”
Developing Your Annotator Code Section 1.1.3, “Developing Your Annotator Code”
Creating the XML Descriptor Section 1.1.4, “Creating the XML Descriptor”
Testing Your Annotator Section 1.1.5, “Testing Your Annotator”
Configuration and Logging Section 1.2, “Configuration and Logging”
Configuration Parameters Section 1.2.1, “Configuration Parameters”
Declaring Parameters in the Descriptor Section, “Declaring Parameters in the Descriptor”
Accessing Parameter Values from the Annotator Code Section, “Accessing Parameter Values from the Annotator Code”
Supporting Reconfiguration Section, “Supporting Reconfiguration”
Configuration Parameter Groups Section, “Configuration Parameter Groups”
Logging Section 1.2.2, “Logging”
Specifying the Logging Configuration Section, “Specifying the Logging Configuration”
Setting Logging Levels Section, “Setting Logging Levels”
Format of logging output Section, “Format of logging output”
Meaning of the logging severity levels Section, “Meaning of the logging severity levels”
Using the logger outside of an annotator Section, “Using the logger outside of an annotator”
Building Aggregate Analysis Engines Section 1.3, “Building Aggregate Analysis Engines”
Combining Annotators Section 1.3.1, “Combining Annotators” Combining Annotators to form an Aggregate Analysis Engine Figure 1.1, “Combining Annotators to form an Aggregate Analysis Engine”
AEs can also contain CAS Consumers Section 1.3.2, “AEs can also contain CAS Consumers”
Reading the Results of Previous Annotators Section 1.3.3, “Reading the Results of Previous Annotators” An Aggregate Analysis Engine where an internal component uses output from previous engines Figure 1.2, “An Aggregate Analysis Engine where an internal component uses output from previous engines”
Other examples Section 1.4, “Other examples”
Additional Topics Section 1.5, “Additional Topics”
Contract: Annotator Methods Called by the Framework Section 1.5.1, “Annotator Methods”
Reporting errors from Annotators Section 1.5.2, “Reporting errors from Annotators”
Throwing Exceptions from Annotators Section 1.5.3, “Throwing Exceptions from Annotators”
Accessing External Resource Files Section 1.5.4, “Accessing External Resource Files”
Declaring Resource Dependencies Section, “Declaring Resource Dependencies”
Accessing the Resource from the UimaContext Section, “Accessing the Resource from the UimaContext”
Declaring Resources and Bindings Section, “Declaring Resources and Bindings” External Resource Binding Figure 1.3, “External Resource Binding”
Sharing Resources among Annotators Section, “Sharing Resources among Annotators” Component engines of an aggregate share a common resource Figure 1.4, “Component engines of an aggregate share a common resource”
Result Specifications Section 1.5.5, “Result Specifications”
Default ResultSpecification Section, “Default ResultSpecification”
Passing Result Specifications to Annotators Section, “Passing Result Specifications to Annotators”
Aggregates Section, “Aggregates”
Collection Proessing Engines Section, “Collection Proessing Engines”
Class path setup when using JCas Section 1.5.6, “Class path setup when using JCas”
Using the Shell Scripts Section 1.5.7, “Using the Shell Scripts” Environment variables used by the shell scripts Table 1.1, “Environment variables used by the shell scripts”
Common Pitfalls Section 1.6, “Common Pitfalls”
Viewing UIMA objects in the Eclipse debugger Section 1.7, “UIMA Objects in Eclipse Debugger”
Introduction to Analysis Engine Descriptor XML Syntax Section 1.8, “Analysis Engine XML Descriptor”
Header and Annotator Class Identification Section 1.8.1, “Header and Annotator Class Identification”
Simple Metadata Attributes Section 1.8.2, “Simple Metadata Attributes”
Type System Definition Section 1.8.3, “Type System Definition”
Capabilities Section 1.8.4, “Capabilities”
Configuration Parameters (Optional) Section 1.8.5, “Configuration Parameters (Optional)”
Configuration Parameter Declarations Section, “Configuration Parameter Declarations”
Configuration Parameter Settings Section, “Configuration Parameter Settings”
Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor Section, “Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor”
Collection Processing Engine Developer's Guide Chapter 2, Collection Processing Engine Developer's Guide
CPE Concepts Section 2.1, “CPE Concepts” CPE Components Figure 2.1, “CPE Components”
CPE Configurator and CAS viewer Section 2.2, “CPE Configurator and CAS viewer”
Using the CPE Configurator Section 2.2.1, “Using the CPE Configurator”
Running the CPE Configurator from Eclipse Section 2.2.2, “Running the CPE Configurator from Eclipse”
Running a CPE from Your Own Java Application Section 2.3, “Running a CPE from Your Own Java Application”
Using Listeners Section 2.3.1, “Using Listeners”
Developing Collection Processing Components Section 2.4, “Developing Collection Processing Components”
Developing Collection Readers Section 2.4.1, “Developing Collection Readers”
Java Class for the Collection Reader Section, “Java Class for the Collection Reader”
Required Methods in the Collection Reader class Section, “Required Methods in the Collection Reader class”
initialize() the section called “initialize()”
hasNext() the section called “hasNext()”
getNext(CAS) the section called “getNext(CAS)”
getProgress() the section called “getProgress()”
close() the section called “close()”
Optional Methods the section called “Optional Methods”
reconfigure() the section called “reconfigure()”
typeSystemInit() the section called “typeSystemInit()”
Threading considerations the section called “Threading considerations”
XML Descriptor for a Collection Reader the section called “XML Descriptor for a Collection Reader”
Developing CAS Initializers Section 2.4.2, “Developing CAS Initializers”
Developing CAS Consumers Section 2.4.3, “Developing CAS Consumers”
Required Methods for a CAS Consumer Section, “Required Methods for a CAS Consumer”
initialize() the section called “initialize()”
processCas() the section called “processCas()”
Optional Methods the section called “Optional Methods”
batchProcessComplete() the section called “batchProcessComplete()”
collectionProcessComplete() the section called “collectionProcessComplete()”
Deploying a CPE Section 2.5, “Deploying a CPE” CPE Instantiation Figure 2.2, “CPE Instantiation” ???TITLE??? Section 2.5, “Deploying a CPE”
Deploying Managed CAS Processors Section 2.5.1, “Deploying Managed CAS Processors” CPE with Managed CAS Processors Figure 2.3, “CPE with Managed CAS Processors”
Deploying Non-managed CAS Processors Section 2.5.2, “Deploying Non-managed CAS Processors” CPE with non-managed CAS Processors Figure 2.4, “CPE with non-managed CAS Processors”
Deploying Integrated CAS Processors Section 2.5.3, “Deploying Integrated CAS Processors” CPE with integrated CAS Processor Figure 2.5, “CPE with integrated CAS Processor”
Collection Processing Examples Section 2.6, “Collection Processing Examples”
Application Developer's Guide Chapter 3, Application Developer's Guide
The UIMAFramework Class Section 3.1, “The UIMAFramework Class”
Using Analysis Engines Section 3.2, “Using Analysis Engines”
Instantiating an Analysis Engine Section 3.2.1, “Instantiating an Analysis Engine”
Analyzing Text Documents Section 3.2.2, “Analyzing Text Documents”
Analyzing Non-Text Artifacts Section 3.2.3, “Analyzing Non-Text Artifacts”
Accessing Analysis Results Section 3.2.4, “Accessing Analysis Results”
Accessing Analysis Results using the JCas Section, “Accessing Analysis Results using the JCas”
Accessing Analysis Results using the CAS Section, “Accessing Analysis Results using the CAS”
Multi-threaded Applications Section 3.2.5, “Multi-threaded Applications”
Using Multiple Analysis Engines and Creating Shared CASes Section 3.2.6, “Multiple AEs & Creating Shared CASes”
Saving CASes to file systems Section 3.2.7, “Saving CASes to file systems”
Using Collection Processing Engines Section 3.3, “Using Collection Processing Engines”
Running a Collection Processing Engine from a Descriptor Section 3.3.1, “Running a CPE from a Descriptor”
Configuring a Collection Processing Engine Descriptor Programmatically Section 3.3.2, “Configuring a CPE Descriptor Programmatically”
Setting Configuration Parameters Section 3.4, “Setting Configuration Parameters”
Integrating Text Analysis and Search Section 3.5, “Integrating Text Analysis and Search”
Building an Index Section 3.5.1, “Building an Index”
Configuring the Semantic Search CAS Indexer Section, “Configuring the Semantic Search CAS Indexer”
Building and Running a CPE including the Semantic Search CAS Indexer Section, “Using Semantic Search CAS Indexer”
Semantic Search Query Tool Section 3.5.2, “Semantic Search Query Tool”
Working with Remote Services Section 3.6, “Working with Remote Services”
Deploying a UIMA Component as a SOAP Service Section 3.6.1, “Deploying as SOAP Service”
Deploying a UIMA Component as a Vinci Service Section 3.6.2, “Deploying as a Vinci Service”
How to Call a UIMA Service Section 3.6.3, “Calling a UIMA Service”
SOAP Service Client Descriptor Section, “SOAP Service Client Descriptor”
Vinci Service Client Descriptor Section, “Vinci Service Client Descriptor”
Restrictions on remotely deployed services Section 3.6.4, “Restrictions on remotely deployed services”
The Vinci Naming Services (VNS) Section 3.6.5, “The Vinci Naming Services (VNS)”
Starting VNS Section, “Starting VNS”
VNS Files Section, “VNS Files”
Launching Vinci Services Section, “Launching Vinci Services”
Configuring Timeout Settings Section 3.6.6, “Configuring Timeout Settings”
Setting the Client Timeout Section, “Setting the Client Timeout”
Setting the Server Socket Timeout Section, “Setting the Server Socket Timeout”
Increasing performance using parallelism Section 3.7, “Increasing performance using parallelism”
Monitoring AE Performance using JMX Section 3.8, “Monitoring AE Performance using JMX”
Flow Controller Developer's Guide Chapter 4, Flow Controller Developer's Guide
Developing the Flow Controller Code Section 4.1, “Developing the Flow Controller Code”
Flow Controller Interface Overview Section 4.1.1, “Flow Controller Interface Overview”
Example Code Section 4.1.2, “Example Code”
The WhiteboardFlowController Class Section, “The WhiteboardFlowController Class”
The WhiteboardFlow Class Section, “The WhiteboardFlow Class”
Creating the Flow Controller Descriptor Section 4.2, “Creating the Flow Controller Descriptor”
Adding a Flow Controller to an Aggregate Analysis Engine Section 4.3, “Adding Flow Controller to an Aggregate”
Adding a Flow Controller to a Collection Processing Engine Section 4.4, “Adding Flow Controller to CPE”
Using Flow Controllers with CAS Multipliers Section 4.5, “Using Flow Controllers with CAS Multipliers”
Annotations, Artifacts, and Sofas Chapter 5, Annotations, Artifacts, and Sofas
Terminology Section 5.1, “Terminology”
Artifact Section 5.1.1, “Artifact”
Subject of Analysis — Sofa Section 5.1.2, “Subject of Analysis — Sofa”
Formats of Sofa Data Section 5.2, “Formats of Sofa Data”
Setting and Accessing Sofa Data Section 5.3, “Setting and Accessing Sofa Data”
Setting Sofa Data Section 5.3.1, “Setting Sofa Data”
Accessing Sofa Data Section 5.3.2, “Accessing Sofa Data”
Accessing Sofa Data using a Java Stream Section 5.3.3, “Accessing Sofa Data using a Java Stream”
The Sofa Feature Structure Section 5.4, “The Sofa Feature Structure”
Annotations Section 5.5, “Annotations”
Built-in Annotation types Section 5.5.1, “Built-in Annotation types”
Annotations have an associated Sofa Section 5.5.2, “Annotations have an associated Sofa”
AnnotationBase Section 5.6, “AnnotationBase”
Multiple CAS Views of an Artifact Chapter 6, Multiple CAS Views of an Artifact
CAS Views and Sofas Section 6.1, “CAS Views and Sofas”
Naming CAS Views and Sofas Section 6.1.1, “Naming CAS Views and Sofas”
Multi-View, Single-View components & applications Section 6.1.2, “Multi/Single View parts in Applications”
Multi-View Components Section 6.2, “Multi-View Components”
How UIMA decides if a component is Multi-View Section 6.2.1, “Deciding: Multi-View”
Multi-View: additional capabilities Section 6.2.2, “Multi-View: additional capabilities”
Component XML metadata Section 6.2.3, “Component XML metadata”
Sofa Capabilities and APIs for Applications Section 6.3, “Sofa Capabilities & APIs for Apps”
Sofa Name Mapping Section 6.4, “Sofa Name Mapping”
Name Mapping in an Aggregate Descriptor Section 6.4.1, “Name Mapping in an Aggregate Descriptor”
Name Mapping in a CPE Descriptor Section 6.4.2, “Name Mapping in a CPE Descriptor”
Specifying the CAS View for a Single-View Component Section 6.4.3, “CAS View for Single-View Parts” ???TITLE??? Section 6.4.3, “CAS View for Single-View Parts”
Name Mapping in a UIMA Application Section 6.4.4, “Name Mapping in a UIMA Application”
Name Mapping for Remote Services Section 6.4.5, “Name Mapping for Remote Services”
JCas extensions for Multiple Views Section 6.5, “JCas extensions for Multiple Views”
Sample Multi-View Application Section 6.6, “Sample Multi-View Application”
Annotator Descriptor Section 6.6.1, “Annotator Descriptor”
Application Setup Section 6.6.2, “Application Setup”
Annotator Processing Section 6.6.3, “Annotator Processing”
Accessing the results of analysis Section 6.6.4, “Accessing the results of analysis”
Views API Summary Section 6.7, “Views API Summary”
Sofa Incompatibilities between UIMA version 1 and version 2 Section 6.8, “Sofa Incompatibilities: V1 and V2”
CAS Multiplier Developer's Guide Chapter 7, CAS Multiplier Developer's Guide
Developing the CAS Multiplier Code Section 7.1, “Developing the CAS Multiplier Code”
CAS Multiplier Interface Overview Section 7.1.1, “CAS Multiplier Interface Overview”
How to Get an Empty CAS Instance Section 7.1.2, “Getting an empty CAS Instance”
Example Code Section 7.1.3, “Example Code”
Overall Structure Section, “Overall Structure”
Initialize Method Section, “Initialize Method”
Process Method Section, “Process Method”
HasNext Method Section, “HasNext Method”
Next Method Section, “Next Method”
Creating the CAS Multiplier Descriptor Section 7.2, “CAS Multiplier Descriptor”
Using a CAS Multiplier in an Aggregate Analysis Engine Section 7.3, “Using CAS Multipliers in Aggregates”
Adding the CAS Multiplier to the Aggregate Section 7.3.1, “Aggregate: Adding the CAS Multiplier”
CAS Multipliers and Flow Control Section 7.3.2, “CAS Multipliers and Flow Control”
Aggregate CAS Multipliers Section 7.3.3, “Aggregate CAS Multipliers”
Using a CAS Multiplier in a Collection Processing Engine Section 7.4, “CAS Multipliers in CPE's”
Calling a CAS Multiplier from an Application Section 7.5, “Applications: Calling CAS Multipliers”
Retrieving Output CASes from the CAS Multiplier Section 7.5.1, “Output CASes”
Using a CAS Multiplier with other Analysis Engines Section 7.5.2, “CAS Multipliers with other AEs”
Using a CAS Multiplier to Merge CASes Section 7.6, “Merging with CAS Multipliers”
Overview of How to Merge CASes Section 7.6.1, “CAS Merging Overview”
Example CAS Merger Section 7.6.2, “Example CAS Merger”
Process Method Section, “Process Method”
HasNext and Next Methods Section, “HasNext and Next Methods”
Using the SimpleTextMerger in an Aggregate Analysis Engine Section 7.6.3, “SimpleTextMerger in an Aggregate”
XMI and EMF Interoperability Chapter 8, XMI and EMF Interoperability
Overview Section 8.1, “Overview”
Converting an Ecore Model to or from a UIMA Type System Section 8.2, “Converting an Ecore Model to or from a UIMA Type System”
Using XMI CAS Serialization Section 8.3, “Using XMI CAS Serialization”