JCas Reference

The CAS is a system for sharing data among annotators, consisting of data structures (definable at run time), indexes over these data, metadata describing these, and a high performance serialization/deserialization mechanism. JCas is a Java approach to accessing CAS data, based on using generated, specific Java classes for each CAS type.

Annotators process one CAS per call to their process method. During processing, annotators can retrieve feature structures from the passed in CAS, add new ones, modify existing ones, and use and update CAS indexes. Of course, an annotator can also use plain Java Objects in addition; but the data in the CAS is what is shared among annotators within an application.

All the facilities present in the APIs for the CAS are available when using the JCas APIs; indeed, you can use the getCas() method to get the corresponding CAS object from a JCas (and vice-versa). The JCas APIs often have helper methods that make using this interface more convenient for Java developers, however.

The data in the CAS are typed objects having fields. JCas uses a set of generated Java classes (each corresponding to a particular CAS type) with "getter" and "setter" methods for the features, plus a constructor so new instances can be made. The Java classes don’t actually store the data in the class instance; instead, the getters and setters forward to the underlying CAS data representation. Because of this, applications which use the JCas interface can share data with annotators using plain CAS (i.e., not using the JCas approach). Users can modify the JCas generated Java classes by adding fields to them; this allows arbitrary non-CAS data to also be represented within the JCas objects, as well; however, the non-CAS data stored in the JCas object instances cannot be shared with annotators using the plain CAS.

Data in the CAS initially has no corresponding JCas type instances; these are created as needed at the first reference. This means, if your annotator is passed a large CAS having millions of CAS feature structures, but you only reference a few of them, and no previously created Java JCas object instances were created by upstream annotators, the only Java objects that will be created will be those that correspond to the CAS feature structures that you reference.

The JCas class Java source files are generated from XML type system descriptions. The JCasGen utility does the work of generating the corresponding Java Class Model for the CAS types. There are a variety of ways JCasGen can be run; these are described later. You include the generated classes with your UIMA component, and you can publish these classes for others who might want to use your type system.

The specification of the type system in XML can be written using a conventional text editor, an XML editor, or using the Eclipse plug-in that supports editing UIMA descriptors.

Changes to the type system are done by changing the XML and regenerating the corresponding Java Class Models. Of course, once you’ve published your type system for others to use, you should be careful that any changes you make don’t adversely impact the users. Additional features can be added to existing types without breaking other code.

A separate Java class is generated for each type; this type implements the CAS FeatureStructure interface, as well as having the special getters and setters for the included features. In the current implementation, an additional helper class per type is also generated. The generated Java classes have methods (getters and setters) for the fields as defined in the XML type specification. Descriptor comments are reflected in the generated Java code as Java-doc style comments.

Type names used in the CAS correspond to the generated Java classes directly. If the CAS name is com.myCompany.myProject.ExampleClass, the generated Java class is in the package com.myCompany.myProject, and the class is ExampleClass.

Full Type names consist of a "namespace" prefix dotted with a simple name. Namespaces are used like packages to avoid collisions between types that are defined by different people at different times. The namespace is used as the Java package name for generated Java files. An exception to this rule is the built-in types starting with uima.cas and uima.tcas; these names are mapped to Java packages named com.ibm.uima.jcas.cas and com.ibm.uima.jcas.tcas.

Each XML type specification can have <description ... > tags. The description for a type will be copied into the generated Java code, as a JavaDoc style comment for the class. When writing these descriptions in the XML type specification file, you might want to use html tags, as allowed in JavaDocs.

If you use the Component Description Editor, you can write the html tags normally, for instance, "<h1>My Title</h1>. The Component Descriptor Editor will take care of coverting the actual descriptor source so that it has the leading "<" character written as "&lt;", to avoid confusing the XML type specification. For example, <p> would be written in the source of the descriptor as &lt;p>. Any characters used in the JavaDoc comment must of course be from the character set allowed by the XML type specification. These specifications often start with the line <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>, which means you can use any of the UTF-8 characters.

The built-in primitive CAS types map to Java types as follows:

uima.cas.Boolean >> boolean uima.cas.Byte >> byte uima.cas.Short >> short uima.cas.Integer >> int uima.cas.Long >> long uima.cas.Float >> float uima.cas.Double >> double uima.cas.String >> String

The Java Class Models generated for each type can be augmented by the user. Typical augmentations include adding additional (non-CAS) fields and methods, and import statements that might be needed to support these. Commonly added methods include additional constructors (having different parameter signatures), and implementations of toString().

To augment the code, just edit the generated Java source code for the class named the same as the CAS type. Here’s an example of an additional method you might add; the various getter methods are retrieving values from the instance:

public String toString() { // for debugging return "XsgParse " + getslotName() + ": " + getheadWord().getCoveredText() + " seqNo: " + getseqNo() + ", cAddr: " + id + ", size left mods: " + getlMods().size() + ", size right mods: " + getrMods().size(); }

Keeping hand-coded augmentations when regenerating

If the type system specification changes, you have to re-run the JCasGen generator. This will produce updated Java for the Class Models that capture the changed specification. If you have previously augmented the source for these Java Class Models, your changes must be merged with the newly (re)generated Java source code for the Class Models. This can be done by hand, or you can run the version of JCasGen that is integrated with Eclipse, since the merging depends on Eclipse’s EMF plug-in. You can obtain Eclipse and the needed EMF plug-in from http://www.eclipse.org.

If you run the generator version that works without using Eclipse, it will not merge Java source changes you may have previously made; if you want them retained, you’ll have to do the merging by hand.

The Java source merging will keep additional constructors, additional fields, and any changes you may have made to the readObject method (see below). Merging will not delete classes in the target corresponding to deleted CAS types, which no longer are in the source – you should delete these by hand.

Additional Constructors

Any additional constructors that you add must include the JCas argument. The first line of your constructor is required to be

this(jcas); // run the standard constructor

where jcas is the passed in JCas reference. If the type you're defining extends uima.tcas.Annotation, JCasGen will automatically add a constructor which takes 2 additional parameters – the begin and end Java int values, and set the uima.tcas.Annotation begin and end fields.

Here’s an example: If you’re defining a type MyType which has a feature parent, you might make an additional constructor which has an additional argument of parent:

MyType(JCas jcas, MyType parent) { this(jcas); // run the standard constructor setParent(parent); // set the parent field from the parameter }

Using readObject

Fields defined by augmenting the Java Class Model to include additional fields represent data that exist for this class in Java, in a local JVM (Java Virtual Machine), but do not exist in the CAS when it is passed to other environments (for example, passing to a remote annotator).

A problem can arise when new instances are created, perhaps by the underlying system when it iterates over an index, which is: how to insure that any additional non-CAS fields are properly initialized. To allow for arbitrary initialization at instance creation time, an initialization method in the Java Class Model, called readObject is used. The generated default for this method is to do nothing, but it is one of the methods that you can modify – to do whatever initialization might be needed. It is called with 0 parameters, during the constructor for the object, after the basic object fields have been set up. It can refer to fields in the CAS using the getters and setters, and other fields in the Java object instance being initialized.

A pre-existing CAS feature structure could exist if a CAS was being passed to this annotator; in this case the JCas system calls the readObject method when creating the corresponding Java instance for the first time for the CAS feature structure. This can happen at two points: when a new object is being returned from an iterator over a CAS index, or a getter method is getting a field for the first time whose value is a feature structure.

Modifying generated items

The following modifications, if made in generated items, will be preserved when regenerating.

The public/private etc. flags associated with methods (getters and setters). You can change the default ("public") if needed.

"final" or "abstract" can be added to the type itself, with the usual semantics.

Aggregate AEs and CPEs as sources of types

When running aggregate AEs (Analysis Engines), or a set of AEs in a collection processing engine, a merged type system is built. (Note: this "merge" is merging types, not to be confused with merging Java source code, discussed above). This merged type system has all the types of every component used in the application. It is possible that there may be multiple definitions of the same CAS type, each of which might have different features defined; the merged type result is created by accumulating all the defined features for a particular type into that type’s type definition.

If no type merging is needed, then each type system can have its own Java Class Models generated individually, perhaps at an earlier time, and the resulting class files (or .jar files containing these class files) can be put in the class path to enable JCas.

JCasGen support for type merging

If type merging is needed, the input to the JCasGen generation process, rather than being a simple type system or a primitive AE specification, is instead, an aggregate AE specification or a CPE (Collection processing engine) specification, which specifies a set of type systems that need to be combined. The generation process will merge the type systems, and the generated output will reflect the merged types. This generated Java source code can be, in turn, merged with hand-done changes to previously generated versions for this aggregate or CPE, as described above. To do this Java source merge, the source for the (hand-modified) generated JCas types must be put into the file system where the generated output will go.

Directions for running JCasGen can be found in Chapter 19, JCasGen User Guide.

To use JCas within an annotator, you must include the generated Java classes output from JCasGen in the class path.

An annotator written using JCas is built by defining a class for the annotator that implements JTextAnnotator. The process method for this annotator is written

public void process(JCas jcas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec) throws AnnotatorProcessException { ... // body of annotator goes here }

The process method is passed the JCas instance to use as the first parameter.

The JCas reference is used throughout the annotator to refer to the particular JCas instance being worked on. In pooled or multi-threaded implementations, there will be a separate JCas for each thread being (simultaneously) worked on.

You can do several kinds of operations using the JCas APIs: create new feature structures (instances of CAS types) (using the new operator), access existing feature structures passed to your annotator in the JCas (for example, by using the next method of an iterator over the feature structures), get and set the fields of a particular instance of a feature structure, and add and remove feature structure instances from the CAS indexes. To support iteration, there are also functions to get and use indexes and iterators over the instances in a JCas.

Creating new instances using the Java "new" operator

The new operator creates new instances of JCas types. It takes at least one parameter, the JCas instance in which the type is to be created. For example, if there was a type Meeting defined, you can create a new instance of it using:

Meeting m = new Meeting(jcas);

Other variations of constructors can be added in custom code; the single parameter version is the one automatically generated by JCasGen. For types that are subtypes of Annotation, JCasGen also generates an additional constructor with additional "begin" and "end" arguments.

Getters and Setters

If the CAS type Meeting had fields location and time, you could get or set these by using getter or setter methods. These methods have names formed by splicing together the word "get" or "set" followed by the field name, with the first letter of the field name capitalized. For instance


The getter forms take no parameters and return the value of the field; the setter forms take one parameter, the value to set into the field, and return void.

There are built-in CAS types for arrays of integers, strings, floats, and feature structures. For fields whose values are these types of arrays, there is an alternate form of getters and setters that take an additional parameter, written as the first parameter, which is the index in the array of an item to get or set.

Obtaining references to Indexes

The only way to access instances (not otherwise referenced from other instances) passed in to your annotator in its JCas is to use an iterator over some index. Indexes in the CAS are specified in the annotator descriptor. Indexes have a name; text annotators have a built-in, standard index over all annotations.

To get an index, first get the JFSIndexRepository from the JCas using the method jcas.getJFSIndexRepository(). Here are the calls to get indexes:

JFSIndexRepository ir = jcas.getJFSIndexRepository(); ir.getIndex(name-of-index) // get the index by its name, a string ir.getIndex(name-of-index, Foo.type) // filtered by specific type ir.getAnnotationIndex() // get AnnotationIndex ir.getAnnotationIndex(Foo.type) // filtered by specific type

Filtering types have to be a subtype of the type specified for this index in its index specification. They can be written as either Foo.type or if you have an instance of Foo, you can write


Foo is (of course) an example of the name of the type.

Adding (and removing) instances to (from) indexes

CAS indexes are maintained automatically by the CAS. But you must add any instances of feature structures you want the index to find, to the indexes by using the call:


Do this after setting all features in the instance which could be used in indexing, for example, in determining the sorting order. After indexing, do not change the values of these particular features because the indexes will not be updated. If you need to change the values, you must first remove the instance from the CAS indexes, change the values, and then add the instance back. To remove an instance from the indexes, use the method:


  • It's OK to change feature values which are not used in determining sort ordering (or set membership), without removing and re-adding back to the index.

When writing a Multi-View component, you may need to index instances in multiple CAS views. The methods above use the indexes associated with the current JCas object. You can explicitly add instances to other views using the addFsToIndexes method on other JCas (or CAS) objects. For instance, if you had 2 other CAS views (myView1 and myView2), in which you wanted to index myInstance, you could write:

myInstance.addToIndexes(); // index in the JCas use with the new operator myView1.addFsToIndexes(myInstance); // index myInstance in myView1 myView2.addFsToIndexes(myInstance); // index myInstance in myView2

Using Iterators

Once you have an index obtained from the JCas, you can get an iterator from the index; here is an example:

FSIndexRepository ir = jcas.getFSIndexRepository(); FSIndex myIndex = ir.getIndex("myIndexName"); FSIterator myIterator = myIndex.iterator();

JFSIndexRepository ir = jcas.getJFSIndexRepository(); FSIndex myIndex = ir.getIndex("myIndexName", Foo.type); // filtered FSIterator myIterator = myIndex.iterator();

Iterators work like normal Java iterators, but are augmented to support additional capabilities. Iterators are described in the CAS Reference, Section 26.6, Indexes and Iterators

Class Loaders in UIMA

The basic concept of a UIMA application includes assembling engines into a flow. The applications made up of these Engines are run within the UIMA Framework, either by the Collection Processing Manager, or by using more basic UIMA Framework APIs.

The UIMA Framework exists within a JVM (Java Virtual Machine). A JVM has the capability to load multiple applications, in a way where each one is isolated from the others, by using a separate class loader for each application. For instance, one set of UIMA Framework Classes could be shared by multiple sets of application - specific classes.

Use of Class Loaders is optional

The UIMA framework will use a specific ClassLoader, based on how ResourceManager instances are used. Specific ClassLoaders are only created if you specify an ExtensionClassPath as part of the ResourceManager. If you do not need to support multiple applications within one UIMA framework within a JVM, don't specify an ExtensionClassPath; in this case, the classloader used will be the one used to load the UIMA framework - usually the overall application class loader.

Of course, you should not run multiple UIMA applications together, in this way, if they have different class definitions for the same class name. This includes the JCas "cover" classes. This case might arise, for instance, if both applications extended uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation in differing, incompatible ways. Each application would need its own definition of this class, but only one could be loaded (unless you specify ExtensionClassPath in the ResourceManager which will cause the UIMA application to load its private versions of its classes, from its classpath).

Issues around DocumentAnnotation

The built-in type, uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotion, is frequently extended by applications. The JCas provides a method, getDocumentAnnotation(), to get the special instance of this type which associated with each CAS View. Currently this method returns an instance of the JCas cover class for this. Because there can be multiple definitions of this class, this method is deprecated. It will continue to work, as long as the ExtensionClassPath is not being used. If it is being used, the user will see some pretty strange errors, something like

ClassCast Exception: Cannot cast "uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation" to "uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation"

What's really going on is that the JCas method for this loads a version of the DocumentAnnotation class from the UIMA Framework loader, while the Application trying to use it loads a different version of the DocumentAnnotation class from its ExtensionClassLoader.

If only one definition of DocumentAnnotation will be used for the complete set of UIMA applications being run in the JVM, then you can replace the definition of DocumentAnnotation in the Jar that the UIMA Framework loader is using with your definition, and not have this definition findable in the ExtensionClassPath.

This approach is enabled by putting all the extendable, built-in classes for UIMA into a separate JAR file.

The method getDocumentAnnotationFs() replaces the deprecated getDocumentAnnotation(). It has the same function, except its return type is TOP, which means your code will have to "cast" it to your particular loaded version of DocumentAnnotation.

/* deprecated */
DocumentAnnotation docAnn = aJcas.getDocumentAnnotation();

/* new way */
DocumentAnnotation docAnn = (DocumentAnnotation)aJcas.getDocumentAnnotationFs();

Issues accessing JCas objects outside of UIMA Engine Components

If you are using the ExtensionClassPaths, the JCas cover classes are loaded under a class loader created by the ResourceManager. If you reference the same JCas classes outside of any UIMA component, for instance, in top level application code, the JCas classes used by that top level application code must be loaded under the same class loader, in order to avoid class cast exceptions. Currently, there is no supported way to do this if you are using ExtensionClassPaths.

The workaround is to do all the JCas processing inside a UIMA component (no processing using JCas outside of the UIMA pipeline), or to put the JCas classes only in the main classpath for the UIMA Framework, and insure they are not findable in the ExtensionClassPaths. This latter approach of course limits you to one set of JCas class definitions per UIMA framework.

The JCas Java classes generated by JCasGen are typically compiled and put into a JAR file, which, in turn, is put into the application's class path.

This JAR file must be generated from the application's merged type system. This is most conveniently done by opening the top level descriptor used by the application in the Component Descriptor Editor tool, and pressing the Run-JCasGen button on the Type System Definition page.