Annotator and Analysis Engine Developer's Guide Chapter 1, Annotator and Analysis Engine Developer's Guide
Getting Started Section 1.1, “Getting Started”
Defining Types Section 1.1.1, “Defining Types”
Generating Java Source Files for CAS Types Section 1.1.2, “Generating Java Source Files for CAS Types”
Developing Your Annotator Code Section 1.1.3, “Developing Your Annotator Code”
Creating the XML Descriptor Section 1.1.4, “Creating the XML Descriptor”
Testing Your Annotator Section 1.1.5, “Testing Your Annotator”
Configuration and Logging Section 1.2, “Configuration and Logging”
Configuration Parameters Section 1.2.1, “Configuration Parameters”
Declaring Parameters in the Descriptor Section, “Declaring Parameters in the Descriptor”
Accessing Parameter Values from the Annotator Code Section, “Accessing Parameter Values from the Annotator Code”
Supporting Reconfiguration Section, “Supporting Reconfiguration”
Configuration parameter Groups Section, “Configuration parameter Groups”
Logging Section 1.2.2, “Logging”
Specifying the Logging Configuration Section, “Specifying the Logging Configuration”
Setting Logging Levels Section, “Setting Logging Levels”
Format of logging output Section, “Format of logging output”
Meaning of the logging severity levels Section, “Meaning of the logging severity levels”
Using the logger outside of an annotator Section, “Using the logger outside of an annotator”
Building Aggregate Analysis Engines Section 1.3, “Building Aggregate Analysis Engines”
Combining Annotators Section 1.3.1, “Combining Annotators” Combining Annotators to form an Aggregate Analysis Engine Figure 1.1, “Combining Annotators to form an Aggregate Analysis Engine”
AEs can also contain CAS Consumers Section 1.3.2, “AEs can also contain CAS Consumers”
Reading the Results of Previous Annotators Section 1.3.3, “Reading the Results of Previous Annotators” An Aggregate Analysis Engine where an internal component uses output from previous engines Figure 1.2, “An Aggregate Analysis Engine where an internal component uses output from previous engines”
Other examples Section 1.4, “Other examples”
Additional Topics Section 1.5, “Additional Topics”
Contract: Framework called Annotator methods Section 1.5.1, “Contract: Framework called Annotator methods”
Reporting errors from Annotators Section 1.5.2, “Reporting errors from Annotators”
Throwing Exceptions from Annoatators Section 1.5.3, “Throwing Exceptions from Annoatators”
Accessing External Resource Files Section 1.5.4, “Accessing External Resource Files”
Declaring Resource Dependencies Section, “Declaring Resource Dependencies”
Accessing the Resource from the UimaContext Section, “Accessing the Resource from the UimaContext”
Declaring Resources and Bindings Section, “Declaring Resources and Bindings” External Resource Binding Figure 1.3, “External Resource Binding”
Sharing Resources among Annotators Section, “Sharing Resources among Annotators” Component engines of an aggregate share a common resource Figure 1.4, “Component engines of an aggregate share a common resource”
Result Specifications Section 1.5.5, “Result Specifications”
Default ResultSpecification Section, “Default ResultSpecification”
Passing Result Specifications to Annotators Section, “Passing Result Specifications to Annotators”
Aggregates Section, “Aggregates”
Collection Proessing Engines Section, “Collection Proessing Engines”
Class path setup when using JCas Section 1.5.6, “Class path setup when using JCas”
Using the Shell Scripts Section 1.5.7, “Using the Shell Scripts” Environment variables used by the shell scripts Table 1.1, “Environment variables used by the shell scripts”
Common Pitfalls Section 1.6, “Common Pitfalls”
Viewing UIMA objects in the Eclipse debugger Section 1.7, “Viewing UIMA objects in the Eclipse debugger”
Introduction to Analysis Engine Descriptor XML Syntax Section 1.8, “Introduction to Analysis Engine Descriptor XML Syntax”
Header and Annotator Class Identification Section 1.8.1, “Header and Annotator Class Identification”
Simple Metadata Attributes Section 1.8.2, “Simple Metadata Attributes”
Type System Definition Section 1.8.3, “Type System Definition”
Capabilities Section 1.8.4, “Capabilities”
Configuration Parameters (Optional) Section 1.8.5, “Configuration Parameters (Optional)”
Configuration Parameter Declarations Section, “Configuration Parameter Declarations”
Configuration Parameter Settings Section, “Configuration Parameter Settings”
Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor Section, “Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor”