Apache Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing (DUCC) Version 1.1.0 README http://uima-ducc-vm.apache.org:42133 demo configuration, tools and data Install and Launch demo Demo installation and launch instructions can be found on DUCC wiki https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/UIMA/DUCC#DUCC-t2 Folders 1. config ======================================== This folder contains the customizations to run a simulated DUCC cluster in a 5GB virtual machine. Replace the corresponding ducc.properties and ducc.nodes in the installation /ducc/install with the ones found here. Replace webserver/root/$banner/c4-ducc-mon.jsp to indicate that a trunk version is used, indicated by + 2. cron ======================================== This folder contains the crontab shell script to periodically cleanup disk used, presently all in /tmp Use crontab command to deploy. 3. custom ======================================== This folder contains c and Java components comprising a custom service. Issue make to build. Issue customsvc to install. 4. driver ======================================== This folder contains python scripts used to exercise the ducc simulated cluster. Issue driver_start to start the script. Also, the convenience script installer is provided to copy config files. 5. jobs ======================================== This folder comprises jobs and inputs employed by the driver (see above). NOTE: For the jobs to have there service dependencies in place, it is expected that /ducc/install/examples/systemtest/reg_service is performed as follows: reg_service 1 reg_service 2 reg_service 3 reg_service 4 reg_service_5 6. reservations ======================================== This folder comprises managed and unmanaged reservations employed by the driver (see above). 7. tools ======================================== This folder contains misc. tools.