Note: This empty document form itself is Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. The Apache Software Foundation Apache UIMA Project Bulk Contribution Checklist v1.0 20070111 The Apache UIMA project is dedicated to producing a codebase that has clear IP pedigree and protects the IP rights of others. As part of this effort, we ask the following questions of all contributions of software that has been created outside of the project. Our goal is to provide clear and consistent oversight of the project codebase, as well as encourage our contributors to carefully examine their contributions before bringing to the project. Please Note : This document and your answers are considered public information, and shall be part of the Apache UIMA project public records. Part I : Identification Please provide the following information Name : ___________________________________________ E-mail : ___________________________________________ Mailing address : ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Employer : ___________________________________________ Part II : Description Please describe the contribution : Part III : Statement of Origination a) Have you personally written all of the code or other material that you are intending to contribute to this project, and if so, are you an Authorized Committer on the Apache UIMA project? [ ] Yes [ ] No If "yes", you're done with Part III, skip to Part IV If "no" please continue with the rest of Part III b) Have you verified the development history of the code to identify ALL of the authors? Please list the other authors: c) Do you have a written agreement with all of the authors that either gives you ownership of the material or otherwise provides you sufficient rights to submit this material to the project on their behalf. Please provide the details of this agreement: d) Are all of the authors Authorized Apache UIMA Committers for the part of the contribution written/created by each author? [ ] Yes ? if "yes", you're done with Part III, skip to Part IV. [ ] No ? if "no", please continue with the rest of part III e) Did any of the authors of the code have access to third party implementations of similar technology while developing the contribution? [ ] Yes [ ] No If "yes", please give details below : f) Was the code developed in accordance with a development process which was designed to prevent unauthorized inclusion of third party intellectual property rights into the code? (e.g., does the process require that developers not have concurrent access to third party implementations of similar technology during development?) [ ] Yes [ ] No If "no", the code isn't eligible for the Apache UIMA Project. If "yes", please provide short description of the process, focusing on protections related to third party intellectual property : Note : The Apache UIMA project generally performs additional scans of it's codebase, including bulk contributions, to help confirm code pedigree. Prior to submitting any contribution, we strongly encourage you to verify that the contribution is acceptable. Please see for more information. Part IV : Checklist [ ] Contribution is licensed under the Apache License v2.0 [ ] Software Grant or Corporate Contributor License Agreement and Software Grant executed and submitted Signature : ___________________________________________ Print Name : ___________________________________________ Date : ___________________________________________ v1.0 20070111