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How To information for the UIMA project
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 How To's for the UIMA project

Here are collected information on how to do things, that are not otherwise documented elsewhere (e.g., making a release).

How to do a board report

Board reports are kept in the website project, under docs/board-reports. The naming convention is the year-month.txt, e.g. 2019-05.txt.

A service is available that collects various statistics that can be included in the report: reporter.apache.org. This service is offered by the ComDev PMC, source at svn.apache.org/repos/asf/comdev/reporter.apache.org. dev@community.apache.org is the place to engage and send patches for this tool.

Requirements for the contents of a board report are documented here - https://www.apache.org/foundation/board/reporting.

The board members want the reports to reflect the health of the community; so the report should be written by a person, not by the reporting tool, in order to have the best insight into the health of our community.