JIRA Report

Type Key Status Summary
Bug UIMA-6458 Resolved Spurious "parsedVersion.osgiVersion" in file names in target
Bug UIMA-6462 Resolved Avoid deploy broken checksum files for p2content.xml and artifacts.xml in feature modules
Improvement UIMA-6440 Resolved Stage release artifacts as part of the build
Improvement UIMA-6443 Resolved Fresh Eclipse update site for every release
Improvement UIMA-6459 Resolved Upgrade dependencies (UIMAJ 3.4.0)
Improvement UIMA-6463 Resolved Use toolchains to ensure compatibility with Java 1.8
Improvement UIMA-6469 Resolved Cleaning up file-handling code
Improvement UIMA-6474 Resolved Switch to getDataPathElements() in UimaContext
Task UIMA-6436 Resolved Move maintainer documentation from website into maintainer guide