Type | Key | Status | Summary |
Bug | UIMA-3433 | Resolved | UIMA-AS cleanup of semaphore testing wrong thing |
Bug | UIMA-3546 | Closed | UIMA-AS 2.4.2 distro is missing http jars |
Bug | UIMA-3572 | Closed | Fix UIMA-AS race condition |
Bug | UIMA-3581 | Closed | UIMA-AS client calls onBeforeMessageSend on CPC |
Bug | UIMA-3594 | Closed | UIMA-AS not stopping Listener executor on shutdown |
Bug | UIMA-3617 | Closed | UIMA-AS not handling broker url params correctly |
Bug | UIMA-3618 | Closed | UIMA-AS should optionally log when a CAS is picked up from a queue |
Bug | UIMA-3630 | Closed | Fix UIMA-AS race condition in JmsAnalysisEngineServiceStub |
Bug | UIMA-3631 | Closed | Fix UIMA-AS references to ActiveMQ 5.4.1 |
Bug | UIMA-3632 | Closed | Remove source assembly script from UIMA-AS |
Bug | UIMA-3633 | Closed | Fix SLF4J warnings in UIMA-AS |
Bug | UIMA-3634 | Closed | Jenkins fails UIMA-AS due to missing dependencies |
Bug | UIMA-3637 | Closed | Change debug level in UIMA-AS Session Reaper |
Bug | UIMA-3643 | Closed | Bogus exception when response from parallel UIMA-AS annotator is received by UIMA runtime before all requests to the annotators in the parallel step are sent |
Bug | UIMA-3648 | Closed | UIMA-AS service keeps initializing AEs despite exception |
Bug | UIMA-3653 | Closed | UIMA-AS compatibility check with UIMA-SDK should use major version |
Bug | UIMA-3660 | Closed | Improve UIMA-AS logging in UimaAsThreadFactory when handling java Error |
Bug | UIMA-3665 | Closed | UIMA-AS JmsStub code not clearing static Map |
Bug | UIMA-3667 | Closed | UIMA-AS client should call onBeforeProcessCAS() when it receives a reply with no prior ACk from remote service |
Bug | UIMA-3715 | Closed | Reduce logging in the UIMA-AS service |
Bug | UIMA-3786 | Closed | Fix UIMA-AS client race condition |
Bug | UIMA-3788 | Closed | Fix UIMA-AS java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timer already cancelled. |
Bug | UIMA-3839 | Closed | UIMA-AS logs excessively when unable to connect to broker |
Bug | UIMA-3842 | Closed | UIMA-AS listeners not shutting down cleanly |
Bug | UIMA-3843 | Closed | UIMA-AS should close connection on exception in JmsEndpointConnection_impl.openChannel() |
Bug | UIMA-3849 | Closed | Prepare UIMA-AS for 2.6.0 release |
Bug | UIMA-3850 | Closed | Simplify UIMA-AS code in Delegate.java and BaseUIMAAsynchronousEngineCommon_impl |
Bug | UIMA-3852 | Closed | UIMA-AS aggregate fails to merge type system when running with 2.6.0 uima-sdk |
Bug | UIMA-3878 | Closed | UIMA-AS parent pom uses wrong version of SPRING with AMQ 5.7 |
Bug | UIMA-3879 | Closed | UIMA-AS extended test should use non-default port for JMX |
Bug | UIMA-3880 | Closed | UIMA-AS activemq-nojournal.xml should include http connector |
Bug | UIMA-3894 | Closed | Revert UIMA-AS poms to 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT |
Bug | UIMA-3895 | Closed | UIMA-AS license is missing xpp3 specific license |
Bug | UIMA-3897 | Closed | Remove UIMA-AS 40 sec shutdown delay |
Bug | UIMA-3901 | Closed | UIMA-AS missing LICENSE and NOTICE |
Bug | UIMA-3916 | Closed | UIMA-AS parent pom declares dependencies on multiple versions of httpclient |
Bug | UIMA-3917 | Closed | Update UIMA-AS LICENSE and NOTICE |
Improvement | UIMA-3770 | Closed | UIMA-AS binary distro does not include source for RunRemoteAsyncAE.java |
Task | UIMA-3548 | Closed | uima-as NOTICE file for relocated copyright |