JIRA Report

Type Key Status Summary
Bug UIMA-1581 Closed RegularExpressionAnnotator tests fail
Bug UIMA-1740 Closed Mock integration tests on AlchemyAPI Annotator
Bug UIMA-1741 Closed Add AlchmeyAPI Annotator documentation
Bug UIMA-1745 Closed Wrong name in TextLanguageDetectionAEDescriptor
Bug UIMA-1747 Closed TikaAnnotator: null pointer exception in MarkupHandler.populateCAS
Bug UIMA-1748 Closed BSFAnnotator fails tests
Bug UIMA-1760 Closed Fix AE Descriptors' names
Bug UIMA-1802 Closed Missing of a type Entity in TextRankedEntityExtractionAEDescriptor.xml
Bug UIMA-1803 Closed Reconfiguring AE causes NPE on AbstractAlchemyAnnotator
Bug UIMA-1826 Closed OpenCalaisAnnotator annotations with negative begin/end
Bug UIMA-1845 Closed Fix sandbox-runtime-project (osgi-bundles) dependencies
Bug UIMA-1861 Closed SnowballAnnotator needs refactoring
Bug UIMA-1878 Closed TikaAnnotator doesn't handle spaces in path string
Bug UIMA-1890 Closed SimpleServer does not set content-type header
Bug UIMA-1982 Closed Align addons to 2.3.1 SDK release and 1 parent pom
Bug UIMA-1993 Closed Add documentation to the website for AlchemyAPI Annotator, RDFCASConsumer and Solrcas
Bug UIMA-2003 Closed WhitespaceTokenizerPerfTest failure in sandbox Last Changed Rev: 1056535
Bug UIMA-2006 Closed Switch addons to parent-pom 2
Bug UIMA-2015 Closed some addons not passing RAT audit
Bug UIMA-2017 Closed Fix TikaAnnotator-osgi
Bug UIMA-2026 Closed Move uima-addons and uima-addons-parent to sandbox/trunk
Bug UIMA-2033 Closed some parent poms putting apache snapshot repo for plugins under wrong xml element
Bug UIMA-2034 Closed Solrcas should list uimaj-component-test-util dependency with scope "test" instead of "default" scope
Bug UIMA-2041 Closed Solrcas mapping switches values of language and text
Bug UIMA-2045 Closed Solrcas: All files should begin witht he AL 2.0 header
Bug UIMA-2046 Closed Solrcas should not support the embedded solr server
Bug UIMA-2067 Closed Solrcas should remove CAS.toString() to field mapping aka "CasMapping"
Bug UIMA-2094 Closed uima-addons distr package creates empty archives
Bug UIMA-2097 Closed Treatment of URLs with blanks is incorrect in some places
Bug UIMA-2129 Closed Check URL availability in URLMicroformatsAnnotatorTest
Bug UIMA-2131 Closed Solrcas uri generation failing on windows
Bug UIMA-2133 Closed SimpleServer tests are failing on Windows - they have a dependency on new-line and svn:eol-style native broke the tests
Bug UIMA-2135 Closed undo some svn:eol-style for testcase data
Bug UIMA-2182 Closed Addons OSGi - bundles not picking up the License/Notice files for the whole bundle
Bug UIMA-2183 Closed Addons OSGi - License files not the same as the non-OSGi versions - missing things
Bug UIMA-2186 Closed addon Solrcas has wrong scope on uima-core dependency
Bug UIMA-2187 Closed addon FsVariables is being built as PEAR, but isn't one
Bug UIMA-2204 Closed fix license / notice files in addons
Bug UIMA-2205 Closed solrcas has a wrong dependency on 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT
Bug UIMA-2213 Closed OSGi builds missing version information on Export-Package
Bug UIMA-2214 Closed addon build - make common part conditional on single-project marker file
Improvement UIMA-1833 Closed Create an AE for training the HMM Tagger models
Improvement UIMA-1836 Closed Add concept tagging service to alchemy-annotator
Improvement UIMA-1837 Closed Add OSGi annotators' versions
Improvement UIMA-1863 Closed Entity annotators enhance for AlchemyAPI Annotator
Improvement UIMA-1930 Closed TikaAnnotator should have Tika version updated
Improvement UIMA-2014 Closed create a top level project for the Addons
Improvement UIMA-2035 Closed Solrcas should make commit after adding document to server configurable
Improvement UIMA-2036 Closed Solrcas AE should be extensible to support the creation of a custom SolrServer instance
Improvement UIMA-2042 Closed SolrCASConsumer should be refactored to not use JCas
Improvement UIMA-2043 Closed SolrCASConsumers initialize method should be refactored
Improvement UIMA-2047 Closed Solrcas should not resolve the solrmapping file only via the classpath
Improvement UIMA-2054 Closed Improve Solrcas integration test
Improvement UIMA-2057 Closed Improve error handling in Solrcas
Improvement UIMA-2066 Resolved Solrcas should be fail-fast if type system mapping is incompatible
Improvement UIMA-2073 Closed Add sentiment analysis service to AlchemyAPI Annotator
Improvement UIMA-2110 Closed Turn the HMMTagger class into a more generic class for tagging tasks
Improvement UIMA-2126 Closed Update of the Lucene libraries to version 2.9.3. Addition of an attribute for field definitions in the mapping file to make this field unique in the resulting index.
Improvement UIMA-2130 Closed fix line endings in svn for normal text files - set to svn:eol-style native
Improvement UIMA-2132 Closed cleanup svn for some projects which have generated files / folders checked in which shouldn't be
Improvement UIMA-2142 Closed Add statusInfo to Results for debugging failures
Improvement UIMA-2153 Closed Create new "addons" top level SVN spot for released sandbox addons
Improvement UIMA-2158 Closed Addons build from top level
Improvement UIMA-2176 Closed Addons OSGi - embed dependencies as jars, exclude UIMA Jars
Improvement UIMA-2184 Closed Addons OSGi - improve build by removing duplicate projects for osgi builds
Improvement UIMA-2185 Closed cleanup addon binary build
Improvement UIMA-2208 Closed addons: Dictionary Annotator - create temp file in temp space
Improvement UIMA-2209 Closed Addons OSGi - remove useless Eclipse-buddy:registered directive
New Feature UIMA-1984 Closed RDF formats CAS Consumer component
New Feature UIMA-1985 Closed Solr CAS Consumer component
Sub-task UIMA-1931 Closed Enable LanguageIdentifier to extract language
Sub-task UIMA-2074 Closed Enable sentiment recognition at entity level
Task UIMA-1733 Closed Import AlchemyAPI Annotator code inside the Sandbox
Task UIMA-2018 Closed Add Solrcas-osgi to sandbox-osgi-runtime
Task UIMA-2023 Closed Rename sandbox-osgi-runtime and its modules
Task UIMA-2061 Closed Introduce autocommit parameter in Solrcas to control Solr autocommit capability
Task UIMA-2103 Closed Final tweaks on uima-addons for the release
Task UIMA-2109 Closed Set latest dependencies/plugins/properties versions for UIMA Addons (where applicable)
Task UIMA-2144 Closed Refactor addons-osgi-runtime build
Task UIMA-2152 Closed Change alchemy-annotator artifactId to AlchemyAPIAnnotator
Task UIMA-2192 Closed Apache exports page needs updating for UIMA-AS and UIMA-addons
Task UIMA-2216 Closed remove OSGi builds for now