UIMA Asynchronous ScaleoutUIMA Asynchronous Scaleout
Overview - Asynchronous ScaleoutChapter 1, Overview - Asynchronous Scaleout
TerminologySection 1.1, “Terminology”
AS versus CPMSection 1.2, “AS versus CPM”
Design goals for Asynchronous ScaleoutSection 1.3, “Design goals for Asynchronous Scaleout”
AS ConceptsSection 1.4, “AS Concepts”
User written components and multi-threadingSection 1.4.1, “Threading”
AS Component wrappingSection 1.4.2, “AS Component wrapping”AS Container wrapping Primitive Analysis EnginesFigure 1.1, “AS Container wrapping Primitive Analysis Engines”AS Container wrapping Aggregate Analysis EnginesFigure 1.2, “AS Container wrapping Aggregate Analysis Engines”
Deployment alternativesSection 1.4.3, “Deployment alternatives”
Configuring multiple instances of componentsSection, “Multiple Instances”
QueuesSection, “Queues”
Deployment DescriptorsSection, “Deployment Descriptors”
Deploying Aggregatesthe section called “Deploying Aggregates”
First implementation - Design limitationsSection 1.4.4, “Limits”
Sofa Mapping limitsSection, “Sofa Mapping limits”
Parameter Overriding limitsSection, “Parameter Overriding limits”
Manual conversion of Deployment DescriptorsSection, “Manual conversion of Deployment Descriptors”
Resource Sharing limitsSection, “Resource Sharing limits”
Compatibility with earlier version of remoting and scaleoutSection 1.4.5, “Compatibility”
Descriptor limitsSection 1.4.6, “Descriptor limits”
Application ConceptsSection 1.5, “Application Concepts”
Application APISection 1.5.1, “Application API”
Collection Process CompleteSection 1.5.2, “Collection Process Complete”
Monitoring and Controlling an AS applicationSection 1.6, “Monitoring & Controlling”
Instrumentation providedSection 1.6.1, “Instrumentation provided”
JMS Service DescriptorSection 1.7, “JMS Service Descriptor”
Asynchronous Scaleout Deployment DescriptorChapter 2, Asynchronous Scaleout Deployment Descriptor
Descriptor OrganizationSection 2.1, “Descriptor Organization”
Deployment DescriptorSection 2.2, “Deployment Descriptor”
CAS PoolSection 2.2.1, “CAS Pool”
ServicesSection 2.2.2, “Services”
Input QueueSection, “Input Queue”
Top level Analysis Engine descriptorSection, “Top Level AE Descriptor”
Analysis EngineSection, “Analysis Engine”
Error Configuration descriptorsSection, “Error Configuration descriptors”