Apache UIMA Addons v2.3.1 Release Notes


1. What is the UIMA-Addons package?
2. Major Changes in this Release
3. How to Get Involved
4. How to Report Issues
5. List of JIRA Issues Fixed in this Release

1. What is the UIMA-Addons package?

The Apache UIMA addons package is a collection of additional components for the base UIMA release. The add-on package contains annotator components developed for Apache UIMA. The add-on package fits the Apache UIMA directory structure and adds a directory called "addons lib" that contains the following annotator components:

Additionally the package contains some components to package annotators and for accessing annotators as simple REST service. These are: There is an addon to the base UIMA: Finally each annotator is distributed also in OSGi packaging (bundle). Each component has a separate LICENSE and NOTICE files; some also have Readme and other documentation (in docs/). Documentation is also available on the UIMA website, in the Sandbox area.

2. Major Changes in this Release

Please see the READMEs in the individual components for this information.

3. How to Get Involved

The Apache UIMA project really needs and appreciates any contributions, including documentation help, source code and feedback. If you are interested in contributing, please visit http://uima.apache.org/get-involved.html.

4. How to Report Issues

The Apache UIMA project uses JIRA for issue tracking. Please report any issues you find at http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/uima

5. List of JIRA Issues Fixed in this Release

Click issuesFixed/jira-report.hmtl for the list of issues fixed in this release.