Instructions for building and testing the UIMA C++ service wrapper, deployCppService "deployCppService" is a C++ application used to instantiate UIMA C++ based analytics, and run them as UIMA services using the ActiveMQ implementation of JMS middleware ( UIMA Perl, Python and Tcl analytics can also be run as services with this wrapper. There are three prerequisites: the UIMA-EE Java SDK, the UIMA-EE C++ SDK and the ActiveMQ-CPP library. Please download and unpack the UIMA-EE Java SDK, and then the UIMA-EE C++ SDK appropriate to your platform. Note that the UIMA C++ SDK should be installed directly under the Java SDK, in UIMA_HOME. Install the UIMA-EE Java SDK as per the README_FIRST instructions in that package. Building on Linux ----------------- 1) Download and unpack it. Export ACTIVEMQ_HOME = yourinstallpath/activemq-cpp-2.1 2) Follow the directions in ACTIVEMQ_HOME/README.txt for "Building on Unix/Linux/OS X/Cygwin" 3) Setup the UIMACPP environment: export UIMACPP_HOME=$UIMA_HOME/uimacpp PATH=$PATH:$UIMACPP_HOME/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$UIMACPP_HOME/lib 4) cd to $UIMACPP_HOME/examples/service and build the service: make -f deployCppService.mak 5) Copy the service binary and strip it: cp deployCppService $UIMACPP_HOME/bin strip $UIMACPP_HOME/deployCppService Building on Windows ------------------- 1) Download and unpack it. Set ACTIVEMQ_HOME=yourinstallpath\activemq-cpp-2.1 2) Build ActiveMQ using MS VC++ 2005 project: cd %ACTIVEMQ_HOME%\vs2005-build devenv vs2005-activemq-cpp.sln /build Release (or Debug) 3) Setup the UIMACPP environment: set UIMACPP_HOME=%UIMA_HOME%\uimacpp set PATH=%PATH%;%UIMACPP_HOME%\bin 4) cd to %UIMACPP_HOME%\examples\service and build the service: devenv deployCppService.vcproj /build Release (or Debug) 5) Copy the ActiveMQ binaries: copy %ACTIVEMQ_HOME%\vs2005-build\ReleaseDLL\activemq-cpp.dll %UIMACPP_HOME%\bin 6) Copy the service binary: copy deployCppService.exe %UIMACPP_HOME%\bin Testing the service wrapper --------------------------- 1) Open a terminal and run an ActiveMQ broker: setup the environment for the UIMA-EE Java SDK (UIMA_HOME, PATH) start the ActiveMQ broker with "" [Linux] or "startBroker" [Windows] 2) Open a 2nd terminal build and test a C++ annotator, DaveDetector: Build all the C++ samples using the directions in UIMACPP_HOME/examples/readme.html Test DaveDetector following directions in the same readme 3) In the 2nd terminal, start DaveDetector as a UIMA-EE service: cd UIMACPP_HOME/examples/descriptors deployCppService DaveDetector.xml DaveDetectorQ 4) Open a 3rd terminal and use the UIMA-EE sample client to test the service: setup the environment for the UIMA-EE Java SDK, and run the client On Linux (all one line): tcp://localhost:61616 DaveDetectorQ -c $UIMA_HOME/examples/descriptors/collection_reader/FileSystemCollectionReader.xml On Windows (all one line): runRemoteAsyncAE tcp://localhost:61616 DaveDetectorQ -c %UIMA_HOME%\examples\descriptors\collection_reader\FileSystemCollectionReader.xml The console should indicate successful processing of 8 documents.