Apache UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout v2.2.2 Release Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1. What is UIMA-AS? 2. Major Changes in this Release 3. How to Get Involved 4. How to Report Issues 5. List of JIRA Issues Fixed in this Release 1. What is UIMA-AS? UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout (AS) is an add-on to Apache UIMA that provides a set of capabilities for achieving flexible scaleout. It is a second generation design, replacing the CPM and Vinci Services. The CPM and Vinci are still available and are not being deprecated, but new designs are encouraged to use UIMA-AS for scalability, and current designs reaching limitations may want to move to UIMA-AS. UIMA-AS is integrated with the new flow controller architecture, and can be applied to both primitive and aggregate analysis engines. 2. Major Changes in this Release This is the first Apache release of UIMA-AS. 3. How to Get Involved The Apache UIMA project really needs and appreciates any contributions, including documentation help, source code and feedback. If you are interested in contributing, please visit http://incubator.apache.org/uima/get-involved.html. 4. How to Report Issues The Apache UIMA project uses JIRA for issue tracking. Please report any issues you find at http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/uima. 5. List of JIRA Issues Fixed in this Release Release Notes - UIMA - Version 2.2.2AS ** Bug * [UIMA-693] - Fix poms so uima-as compiles with maven * [UIMA-748] - Multiple notfications sent to registered listeners. * [UIMA-754] - Add missing folder and file to uimaj-as-jms * [UIMA-784] - uima-as build order wrong * [UIMA-785] - CPC stats returned from aggregates are invalid * [UIMA-786] - Input CAS is returned back to the client while subordinate CASes are still in play in the aggregate * [UIMA-809] - Silence exceptions occuring in ActiveMQ/Spring when stopping listeners * [UIMA-829] - When processing CPC the PrimitiveController doesnt release AE instance back to the pool * [UIMA-831] - UIMA-AS code fails to compile * [UIMA-833] - Cannot create Eclipse project uimaj-as-activemq * [UIMA-838] - Incorrect support for process CAS error threshold count and threshold window * [UIMA-843] - Modify UIMA-AS client to throw exception from initialize() when GetMeta times out * [UIMA-850] - Cancel timer as soon as process reply is received * [UIMA-851] - dd2spring uses incorrect default value for casPoolSize * [UIMA-859] - changeVersion scripts not handling transition from SNAPSHOT to non-SNAPSHOT properly * [UIMA-862] - UIMA-AS: saxon jar name wrong, and saxon version issue * [UIMA-864] - update version from 2.2.2-incubating-SNAPSHOT to 2.2.2-incubating * [UIMA-865] - UIMA core distribution build only works if the UIMA AS plugins are available * [UIMA-866] - Modify UIMA-AS documentation to state that the Error Results are not implemented * [UIMA-867] - runRemoteAyncAE scripts do not support UIMA_DATAPATH * [UIMA-868] - put Saxon in a place unlikely to be put in the class path; update test and script codes to reference * [UIMA-869] - uima-as test case refers to UIMA_HOME to get saxon and dd2spring xslt - doesn't work before install & assembly:assembly * [UIMA-870] - uima-as fix active-mq jar lib layout - wrong jetty version, move right things to "optional" directory * [UIMA-872] - uima-as has spring version 2.5.1 , but is using activemq-5.0.0 which in turn has spring version 2.0.6, causing intermittant test failures? * [UIMA-873] - uima-as NOTICE file needs to remove horizontal lines * [UIMA-875] - Problem handing errors in sendAndReceiveCAS * [UIMA-876] - UIMA service requests should expire if timeout value is set * [UIMA-879] - Eclipse plugin jar files do not have the right names * [UIMA-895] - apply http patch to activemq jars * [UIMA-901] - [UIMA-AS] Fix RAT reported missing license headers * [UIMA-902] - [uima-as] src distr build not properly excluding duplicate readme/license/notice files * [UIMA-903] - [uima-as] src distr build including too much of uima-docbook-tool * [UIMA-908] - The Flow's aborted method is called when every CAS reaches the end of its flow ... should be just the failing ones * [UIMA-912] - UIMA C++ service not deployed correctly * [UIMA-914] - If the Error Configuration thresholdWindow value is invalid it is quietly ignored * [UIMA-915] - Clean up README for UIMA AS SDK * [UIMA-919] - UIMA AS client hangs when the last CAS sent in the process() method times out * [UIMA-921] - Fix wrong uima version numbers in uima-as * [UIMA-922] - pass absolute file path args to Spring's FileSystemXmlApplicationContext class with prepended "file:" * [UIMA-925] - How does a UIMA-AS client using sendCAS associate a returned error with the CAS that caused it? * [UIMA-930] - uima-as release notes are incorrect * [UIMA-932] - UIMA-AS version printing as "unknown" * [UIMA-934] - Some Linux scripts cannot execute as are in DOS format * [UIMA-937] - UIMA AS service fetches a wrong Broker URL from the controller on replies * [UIMA-938] - startBroker doesn't on Linux * [UIMA-946] - Missing jars from distr and setUimaClassPath * [UIMA-949] - Get exceptions when have 2 CAS multipliers * [UIMA-950] - Connection times out waiting for long running remote service and temp reply queues are lost ... cannot recover * [UIMA-951] - Eclipse split packages not handled well - causing plugin ClassNotFound failures * [UIMA-952] - source distribution build for uima-as not building the uima-as-distr project correctly * [UIMA-954] - Switch back to AMQ 4.1.1 for now ** Improvement * [UIMA-706] - put in Apache license headers * [UIMA-720] - have dd2spring generate an additional property when using a remote temp Q * [UIMA-742] - Cumulative fixes to synch apache svn with the latest changes * [UIMA-743] - Add new testcases to test new features * [UIMA-744] - Improved the XML parsing of the Deployment Descriptor * [UIMA-745] - Improved the UI when editing GetMetadataError and ProcessCasError, added support for edting "initialFsHeapSize" * [UIMA-752] - rename uima-ee to uima-as in SVN * [UIMA-755] - Expose per CAS statistics to the application from uima-as client * [UIMA-787] - Migrate code to the latest version of ActiveMQ (5.0.0) * [UIMA-788] - Migrate code to the latest version of Spring (v.2.5.1) * [UIMA-801] - Support specification of "initialFsHeapSize" for Cas Multiplier delegate * [UIMA-839] - Fixup uima-as-distr to create src and bin distr for uima-as * [UIMA-846] - Modify UIMA-AS to remove EE from class names * [UIMA-856] - cleanup uima-as docbook * [UIMA-861] - Add eclipse-plugin-superPom for uima-as, copying the structure used in uima * [UIMA-871] - Split test suite into basic test and an extended test suite * [UIMA-877] - Reverse multiple copyright statements in docbooks, per request at previous release vote * [UIMA-916] - Remove unused initialize(String, Map) method from the UIMA AS client API * [UIMA-927] - Provide a way to drain Dead Letter Queue * [UIMA-928] - [DDE] For Linux platform, Deployment Descriptor Editor's table border is not visible * [UIMA-931] - uima-as signing script missing md5 and sha1 generation, also trying to sign bz files which are not generated for uima-as ** New Feature * [UIMA-759] - Expose uima as client side stats via JMX * [UIMA-789] - Generate JavaDocs for the UIMA-AS Client API * [UIMA-849] - Add sample deployment descriptors ** Task * [UIMA-701] - Bring up to date with the code changes since the code was packaged for apache grant ** Test * [UIMA-896] - Add testcase to test processing of double-byte documents through HTTP tunneling