# *************************************************************** # * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # * distributed with this work for additional information # * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # * software distributed under the License is distributed on an # * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # * specific language governing permissions and limitations # * under the License. # *************************************************************** tmContentType=TextMarker Source File parserBuildParticipant.name = TextMarker Source Parser taskTagsBuildParticipant.name = TextMarker Task Tags Build Participant sourceParser.name = TextMarker Source Parser sourceParser.description = TextMarker Source Parser pluginProvider=University of Wueryburg pluginName=Dynamic Languages Toolkit TextMarker Debug UI Console.PreferencePage = Console Interpreters.PreferencePage = Interpreters Debug.PreferencePage = Debug Engines.PreferencePage = Engines Debug.PropertyPage = Debug Engines.PropertyPage = Engines ToggleBreakpoint.label = Toggle &Breakpoint EnableDisableBreakpoint.label = Toggl&e Enablement BreakpointProperties.label = Breakpoint Properties... ScriptWatch.label=Watch ScriptInspect.label=Inspect ScriptDisplay.label=Display WatchVariable = Watch as Variable showStaticAction.label=Show Function Objects VariablesViewTextMarkerSubmenu.label=TextMarker scriptConsole = Script Console TextMarkerConsole.Console = TextMarker Console TextMarkerConsole.Actions.PasteToTextMarkerConsole = Paste to TextMarker Console TextMarkerVariableHoverLabel=TextMarker Debug Hover TextMarkerVariableHoverDescription=TextMarker Debug Hover variablesViewMenu.name = TextMarker showGlobalVarsCommand.name = Show Global Variables showGlobalVarsCommand.description = Show Global Variables showGlobalVarsCommand.tooltip = Toggles global variable display showClassVarsCommand.name = Show Class Variables showClassVarsCommand.description = Show Class Variables showClassVarsCommand.tooltip = Toggles class variable display showLocalVarsCommand.name = Show Local Variables showLocalVarsCommand.description = Show Local Variables showLocalVarsCommand.tooltip = Toggles local variable display PreferencePage.name = TextMarker PropertyPage.name = TextMarker DebuggingEngine.name = TextMarker debugging engine DebuggingEngine.description = TextMarker debugging engine TextMarkerLaunchShortcut.name = TextMarker Testing TextMarkerLaunchShortcut.description = TextMarker Testing TextMarkerPerspective.name = TextMarker # Context TextMarkerEditContext.name = Editing TextMarker Source TextMarkerEditContext.description = Editing TextMarker Source Context # Editor TextMarkerEditor.name = TextMarker Source Editor # Wizards TextMarkerWizardsCategory.name = TextMarker NewTMPackage.label=TextMarker Package NewTMPackage.description=Create a TextMarker package NewTextMarkerFile.label=TextMarker File NewTextMarkerFile.description=Create a TextMarker script file NewSourceFolderCreationWizard.label=Source Folder NewSourceFolderCreationWizard.description=Create a DLTK source folder # Preference Pages TextMarkerPreferencePage.name = TextMarker TextMarkerEditorPreferencePage.name = Editor TextMarkerEditorAssistancePreferencePage.name = Code Assistance TextMarkerEditorSyntaxColoringPreferencePage.name = Syntax Coloring TextMarkerEditorSmartTypingPreferencePage.name = Smart Typing TextMarkerEditorFoldingPreferencePage.name = Folding TextMarkerCodeTemplatesPreferencePage.name = Templates TextMarkerEditorHoversPreferencePage.name = Hovers TextMarkerTaskTags.name = Task Tags # Property Pages TextMarkerPropertyPage.name = TextMarker TextMarkerBuildPathPropertyPage.name = Build Path TextMarkerTodoPropertyPage.name = Todo Properties # Search page TextMarkerSearchPage.label = TextMarker Search # Template TextMarkerTemplateContext.name = TextMarker # Views TextMarkerViewsCategory.name = TextMarker TextMarkerNamespacesView.name = TextMarker Namespaces TextMarkerFunctionsView.name = TextMarker Functions TextMarkerPackagesView.name = TextMarker Packages TextMarkerDocumentationView.name = TextMarker Documentation # Decorators TextMarkerProjectDecorator.name = TextMarker Project Decorator # Actions TextMarkerActionSet.label= TextMarker Navigation TextMarkerActionSet.description= TextMarker Navigation Action Set OpenTypeAction.label=Open &Namespace... OpenTypeAction.tooltip=Open Namespace # Navigate menu ActionDefinition.OpenType.name= Open Namespace ActionDefinition.OpenType.description= Open a namespace in a TextMarker editor # Search page TextMarkerSearchActionSet.label = TextMarker Search TextMarkerSearchActionSet.description = TextMarker Search Actions OpenTextMarkerSearchPageAction.label = TextMarker... SearchMenu.label = Search TextMarkerEditorAssistancePreferencePage.name = Code Assistance OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.label=Open Type in Hierarch&y... OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.tooltip=Opens a Type in a Type Hierarchy ActionDefinition.sourceQuickMenu.name= Show Source Quick Menu ActionDefinition.sourceQuickMenu.description= Shows the source quick menu ActionDefinition.comment.name= Comment ActionDefinition.comment.description= Turn the selected lines into DLTK comments ActionDefinition.uncomment.name= Uncomment ActionDefinition.uncomment.description= Uncomment the selected DLTK comment lines ActionDefinition.toggleComment.name= Toggle Comment ActionDefinition.toggleComment.description= Toggle comment the selected lines ActionDefinition.addBlockComment.name= Add Block Comment ActionDefinition.addBlockComment.description= Enclose the selection with a block comment ActionDefinition.removeBlockComment.name= Remove Block Comment ActionDefinition.removeBlockComment.description= Remove the block comment enclosing the selection ActionDefinition.indent.name= Indent ActionDefinition.indent.description= Indent ActionDefinition.format.name= Format ActionDefinition.format.description= Format the selected text ActionDefinition.copyQualifiedName.name= Copy Qualified Name ActionDefinition.copyQualifiedName.description= Copy a fully qualified name to the system clipboard ActionDefinition.quickformat.name= Format Element ActionDefinition.quickformat.description= Format enclosing text element