Apache UIMA Ruta v2.2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building from the Source Distribution ------------------------------------- We use Maven 3.0 or later for building; download this if needed, and set the environment variable MAVEN_OPTS to -Xmx800m -XX:MaxPerSize=256m. Then do the build by going into the UIMA Ruta directory, and issuing the command mvn clean install This builds everything except the ...source-release.zip file. If you want that, change the command to mvn clean install -Papache-release For more details, please see http://uima.apache.org/building-uima.html ------------------------------------- This product was originally released as Apache UIMA TextMarker. The UIMA Ruta Workbench provides a command for updating old projects. Please right-click on a project and select "UIMA Ruta -> Update Project". ------------------------------------- The UIMA Ruta analysis engine requires type priorities for the correct execution of rules. If a CAS is created using the CASCreationUtils, please provide the type priorities, e.g., by: URL tpUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/org/apache/uima/ruta/engine/TypePriorities.xml"); TypePriorities typePriorities = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parseTypePriorities( new XMLInputSource(tpUrl)); CAS cas = CasCreationUtils.createCas(descriptor, typePriorities, new FsIndexDescription[0]); ------------------------------------- If you use the uimaFIT JCasGenPomFriendly in Maven and want to use UIMA Ruta as a standalone annotator you have to exclude the generated UIMA Ruta basic type files from the build, e.g., by adding: org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 3.0 org/apache/uima/ruta/type/*.java