Tuscany SCA Dependency Lister ============================= Makes use of the extension Maven dependency support to list out all of the dependencis in the module where the plugin is used. The module is analysed and a report (dependency.txt) is written into the modules directory including each dependency and the path through the maven transitive dependencies that caused the original dependency to be included. For example, Here is a line which lists a a jar dependency, the phase in which it was found, the module being processed and he path that causes the dependency DEPENDENCY PHASE MODULE PATH TO DEPENDENCY jaxb-api-2.1.jar compile Apache Tuscany SCA Atom+RSS Feed Aggregator Sample Webapp tuscany-host-webapp-1.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT tuscany-host-embedded-1.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT tuscany-core-databinding-1.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT tuscany-databinding-jaxb-1.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT jaxb-api-2.1 It is often convenient to further analyse these entries using the spreadsheet of your choice so the columns are tab separated to allow for easy converstion. The plugin can be included in a module using the following, org.apache.tuscany.sca tuscany-maven-dependency-lister 1.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT execute If you include this at the top level of you project and have it run for each model you will get a report for each model independently. Once you have dependency.txt files in your modules the you favourite command line tools can be used to concatenate and sort them to get a full picture of the dependencies in you project, for example, with linux you could do, find . -name dependency.txt -exec cat '{}' >> deptotal.txt \;