Changes With Apache Tuscany SCA 1.0.1 (incubating) October 2007 =============================================================== The Tuscany SCA Java 1.0.1 is mainly a bug-fix release. It also comes with some improvements as listed below. - Fix the following JIRA issues: * TUSCANY-1848 * TUSCANY-1857 * TUSCANY-1859 * TUSCANY-1801 * TUSCANY-1823 * TUSCANY-1839 * TUSCANY-1814 * TUSCANY-1818 * TUSCANY-1834 * TUSCANY-1637 * TUSCANY-1826 * TUSCANY-1823 * TUSCANY-1819 * TUSCANY-1821 * TUSCANY-1822 * TUSCANY-1806 * TUSCANY-1808 * TUSCANY-1756 * TUSCANY-1757 - Fix build issues with Maven 2.0.7 and JDK 6 - Reduce memory consumption for WSDLs that import large XSDs - Add more logging statements for better servicibility - Add an extension point to allow extensions to plug-in extension schemas. - Add a demo application to showcase XML integration story - Improve in databinding framework * Add support for JSON Databindings and other refactoring * Set databinding for introspected data type and enhance the checking of wrapper style * Improve the tree-based XMLStreamReader and convert Bean & DOM to use this approach * Add a tree-iterator based XMLStreamReader base impl * Add default element info to java interface * Rename Interface.setDefaultDataBinding to resetDataBinding - Limit the method injection to setters and allow the setter annotation to override field annotation - Evolving support in Intent and Policy handling * Add support for policies in implementation * Fix the algorithm for macthing policySets defined on bindings for the wire * Add policy intent for * Extend java implementation type to recognize and apply policies, adding util support for this in Policy module * Add policy module for logging - Evolving development in the SCA Domain/Node - Update NOTICE files with missing dependencies Changes With Apache Tuscany SCA 1.0 (incubating) September 2007 =============================================================== - Tuscany Java SCA now implements V1.0 of the core SCA specifications SCA Assembly Model V1.0 SCA Java Common Annotations and APIs V1.0 SCA Java Component Implementation V1.0 SCA Web Services Binding V1.0 Including callbacks, conversations and callable references - Support for ws-security configurable in the web services binding thro Tuscany SCA policy intents and policysets using the policy framework introduced in the last release. Note : This release supports specifications of policies around axis2 config params - see helloworld-ws-service-secure sample. The policy intents that have been tested are authentication, integrity and confidentiality. There is no sample or test that exercises confidentiality since there are some unresolved licensing issue around bouncycastle libraries. However, users who are not encumbered by the bouncycastle license restrictions can try the 'confidentiality' intent. See FAQ - This release does not include support for WS-Policy attachments in Tuscany Policysets for ws-security. - An XQuery component implementation type implementation-xquery - A Databinding for converting data to and from nodes for XQuery processing databinding-saxon - OSGI support has been extended to allow Tuscany contributions packaged as OSGI bundles hence taking advantage of OSGI's bundle loading an dependency management capabilities - A BPEL component implementation type experimental implementation based on SCA BPEL Client and Implementation V1.0. At the moment only supports BPEL process as services. implementation-bpel - The distributed runtime implementation has been separated out into *) domain *) node It is now wrapped by a SCADomain interface as is the standalone runtime. Note: This release does not include support for WebApp host deployment for a distributed SCA Domain - The web service binding will now generate WSDL automatically based on the service interface if no WSDL is provided - A new "store" sample and associated document show how a simple store front application can be constructed samples/store - The following features of this release are still experimental: - BPEL implementation type, integrating with Apache ODE - OSGI implementation type, integrating with Apache Felix - XQuery implementation type Changes With Apache Tuscany SCA 0.99 (incubating) August 2007 ============================================================= The following are the significant additions to release 0.99 over and above all of what was offered in release 0.91. - A version of the default sca binding that works between components runing in separate Java virtual machines binding-sca-axis - A simple node implementation and a service discovery function for running sca applications distributed across more than one node distributed distributed-impl - integration with OSGi runtimes is now supported with a new implementation-osgi component type - PUB/SUB interactions are now supported by using new notification binding and implementation types, and samples demonstrating the feature. - The Tuscany runtime now has a policy framework supporting the SCA policy specification - the endpoint URIs used by SCA bindings has been rationalized and now follows the SCA Assembly specification - binding-ajax has been renamed to binding-dwr Changes With Apache Tuscany SCA 0.91 (incubating) July 2007 =========================================================== The following are the significant additions to release 0.91 over and above all of what was offered in release 0.90. - Enhancements to support multiple contributions to the SCA Domain - The inclusion of a alternative simplified extensions-helper SPI layer to faciliate rapid development of extensions - More Implementation Extenstions Spring WebResource - More Binding Extensions AJAX EJB RSS/ATOM Feeds - Demos that demonstrate the use of a mix of extensions alert-aggregator-webapp bigbank-account bigbank-calculator bigbank-stockquote - Samples Samples to demostrate use of Spring, Resource, AJAX extensions Changes With Apache Tuscany SCA 0.90 (incubating) June 2007 =========================================================== - Implementations for all of the Java Annotations and API Specification V1.0 found at ( apart from the following. @ComponentName Conversation RequestContext - New assembly model implementation taking into account SCA 1.0 artifacts Data duplication between assembly model and runtime removed - Simple single process domain support Contribution support to scope items being deployed into the runtime - Improved Package/Class naming consistency across modules - Extensions now loaded via Java service mechanism Refactored extensions to use new SPIs (see below) - Maven and Ant based sample builds in the binary distribution - Implementation Extensions Java Script supporting (Ruby, Python, Groovy, JavaScript) - Binding Extensions Axis2 RMI JSONRPC -Databinding Extensions Axiom JAXB SDO - Host environments Embedded Tomcat Jetty RMI - A clear set of SPIs intended to be stable over future releases SCA assembly model SCA contribution model Runtime extensions Data binding support Embedding Tuscany Servlet container integration - For this point release a partial set of JavaDoc is provided to be filled out as we close on release 1.0