Ajax DAS Web Sample


This web sample demonstrates SDO RDB Data Access Service using Ajax for the generic framework.  

The application user can navigate the menu to see examples of different DAS features.
The application user “dbsetup” utility to create canned Derby database with required tables and populate initial data in them. For refreshing database data to initial state, user can click on Refresh Button.

            Adhoc Query (CRUD operations on COMPANY and DEPARTMENT using adhoc Sql statements)


            DAS Commad (CRUD operations on COMPANY and DEPARTMENT using DAS config commands)

            Advanced Features

►Optimistic Concurrecy Control (Using BOOK. NAME)


Result Set Shape (Using CUSTOMER table)

In future more features will get added.


Running the sample

There are two options for running this sample:


  1. Run from Tomcat configured by the build
  2. Deploying the sample-ajax-das WAR into a Tomcat you configure yourself

Running from Tomcat configured by the build

This sample application is deployed (along with the canned test database) to an instance of Tomcat as part of our automated sample testing.  This means you can run the java/das/samples/testing/tomcat build (see java/das/samples/testing/tomcat/readme.htm )  and then access the application by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080/sample-ajax-das/. 

Deploying the sample-ajax-das WAR into a Tomcat you configure yourself

Alternatively, you can deploy the sample to your own configured Tomcat installation by following the instructions below.  These instructions assume that you have either 1) downloaded the Tuscany sample distribution or 2) Downloaded the Tuscany source and run our maven build, see the following link to more details steps on how to build DAS Sample applications http://incubator.apache.org/tuscany/das-java-developer-guide.html .

Set Up

  1. Download and install the most recent stable version of Tomcat 5.5 or Tomcat 6.  You can find it here: http://tomcat.apache.org/download-60.cgi
  2. Download the most recent official release of Derby from here: http://db.apache.org/derby/index.html.  The only file you’ll need from this download is derby.jar
  3. Stop Tomcat
  4. Copy derby.jar (from the derby distribution) to {Tomcat_Home}/common/lib:
  5. Add the sample war file to {Tomcat_Home}/webapps
    1. sample-ajax-das.war
  6. Define a DataSource by adding a datasource definition to {Tomcat_Home}/conf/server.xml.
    1. Find the end-of-section marker </GlobalNamingResources> and add the following lines just above it:


        <!-- Global Datasource for Derby ajaxdastest database -->

         <Resource name="jdbc/ajaxdastest"

              type="javax.sql.DataSource"  auth="Container"

              description="Derby database for DAS Company sample"

              maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"

              username="" password=""


              url="jdbc:derby:{absolute path}Databases/ajaxdastest;create=true"/>


Requirement: You must include the absolute path to the “Databases” directory in the above url attribute.  Fore example:




  1. Start tomcat and point your browser to: http://localhost:8080/sample-ajax-das/



Sample Architecture


The design is modular and reusable by other web samples. There are java servlet, other java classes, jsp, javascript, xml, xsl, css and html files.


Client Side Files


Ajax.js and dasmenu.js are generic (not DAS specific) and reusable by any web sample.

  • Ajax.js

Set response handler when request is passed to servlet. Response handler’s  job is transform xml response using xsl into html or plain text based on the example’s requirement.

  • Dasmenu.js

Used for menu/submenu rendering, is quite generic and can be used to display any menu.


HTMLs & jsps (DAS specific files)

DASMenu.html and DASWebSampleFrame.html are for giving frame and menu to web sample. DASMenu.html calls required .jsps like indexAdhoc.jsp, indexCommand.jsp, occ.jsp, converter.jsp. These jsps are all DAS specific. The .jsp file is responsible for deciding the DAS config file required by current sample and relevant .xsl file.


Serverside files


CommandServlet.java and ServiceProcessor.java

Used for invoking required service and returning results back to ajax.js. These files are not DAS specific.



Specific to DAS sample, has logic to invoke required sample example.