Creating and Submitting a Patch
  • Check out the latest version of source code from Subversion. If you have a version checked out already, do a fresh update before you make your changes.

    You can find information about how to setup development environment for Java or for C++ here.

  • Please do a full build with all tests enabled . Try the following for Java projects:

    maven -o clean new

  • Confirm that the problem is actually fixed and include a test case in the patch where possible.
  • Generate a patch by issuing the following command from tuscany directory.

    svn diff File >> patchfile

    Please try to give your patch files meaningful names. This helps the developer who applies a number of different patches. A recommendation is to use the JIRA issue number as part of patch file name. For example

    svn diff File >> File312
    In this example, the number 312 is a JIRA issue number associated with this patch.

  • Add your patch file as an attachment to the JIRA issue that it is fixing.

    Please include detailed steps to reproduce the problem in the issue description so that the patch can be properly verified after it is applied.

  • Thank you! Your patch will be picked up for review.