Tuscany - Getting Started - Helloworld Sample --------------------------------------------- This sample demonstrates a helloworld style SCA application that uses the Spring implementation type. See the README in the top-level samples folder for general information on the Tuscany samples. This project creates an SCA contribution with a deployable composite named helloworld-spring.comosite. The composite defines an SCA component, HelloworldComponent, which provides a Helloworld service, the component is implemented by a Spring bean. You can use the contribution by starting the composite in the Tuscany Shell. To do that run the following command in the helloworld-spring-contribution folder: mvn tuscany:run Alternatively, the Tuscany Shell can be started with the scripts in the Tuscany binary distribution bin folder. To do that run the following command at the root of a Tuscany binary distribution: bin\tuscany.bat samples\getting-started\helloworld-spring-contribution Once the Shell has been started with one of those methods you can use Shell commands to explore the SCA domain, for example, use the "installed" command to get the status of installed contributions, "services" to see the available component services, and you may test calling the helloworld service by using the "invoke" command: invoke HelloworldComponent sayHello yourName