Tuscany Hello World Axis Service Sample


The Tuscany hello world Axis service sample uses the code generated in the hello world Axis sample. This project just includes a standard J2EE web.xml and uses Maven's war plugin to build a J2EE war that can be deployed into a web server.  Note that  the configuring of the web application server for Tuscany makes the Axis services available to all deployed web applications, so it's not required to add Axis jars specifically to this web application.


Set up your server as described in the Tomcat Setup.  If you are not configuring with the acceptance test the server, you will need to add helloworldws-SNAPSHOT.war to your tomcat's webapp directory.

Review Axis documentation on configuring and deploying web services.


This service can be invoked by either the Tuscany SCA helloworldwsclient sample or hello world Axis sample's client  sample.

Understanding the code

Review Axis documentation on developing web services.