Tuscany BigBank Sample Application


The Tuscany BigBank sample application  shows using the Tuscany SCA runtime to build a  financial application. There are two modules: webclient provides the front-end user interface and account provides the back-end business services. These are deployed as separate web applications


This sample is located in the  samples\applications\bigbank directory. There are two subdirectories in that for the two modules account and webclient.


Obtain the following prerequisites and install according to their documentation.


This sample can be built from the bigbank directory using Maven 2.0.4 with the following command:



If you have enabled remote deployment in Tomcat by adding the line:
  <user username="admin" password="" roles="manager"/>
into  <tomcat dir>\conf\tomcat-users.xml  you can deploy the WARs to Tomcat using the tomcat-maven-plugin:
mvn tomcat:deploy

Alternatively you can copy the WAR files to Tomcat's  webapps directory.
copy account\target\sample-bigbank-account.war <tomcat dir>\webapps
copy  webclient\target\sample-bigbank-webclient.war <tomcat dir>\webapps


Once you've started your web server, use your web browser to view the following URL http://localhost:8080/sample-bigbank-webclient/
You can either use an already pre configured  account with Login as test and Password as password, or you can  create a new account.
The demo is first configured to use a local mock stock quote service that returns random stock data.  If you want to use an actual stock quote provider follow these steps:

The sample should now be using the real stock quote provider. 


This example illustrates using Tuscany runtime in building a financial Web application using SCA programing model.  The following key concepts are covered:

BigBank sample provides the following user services: account balance, making deposits and withdrawals  to purchase and sell stock, and to view current stock value.
The sample is organized into two SCA modules: webclient and account. The webclient module functionality is to provide user information and obtain user input. The account module is used to retrieve and store user information, account information, current stock information and the purchasing and selling of stock. The two modules interact via web services through SCA references and services.

Overview of modules.

Webclient files


Webclient files 
click to enlarge
Java source files implementing SCA components and interfaces.
AccountServiceComponentImpl.java   Implements the account service.
AccountLoginServiceImpl.java Implements the Login service.
LoginService.java Interface for a services provided by a login  service component.
ProfileService.java Interface for a service provided by a profile component.
ProfileServiceImpl.java Implements the profile component.
SimpleLoginServiceImpl.java A simple in memory login service.
Java source files implementing Web HTML interface.
AccountStatusTag.java Implements a jsp tag that displays the account information
StockStatusTag.java Implements a jsp tag that displays the stock information.
LoginBarrierTag.java Implements a jsp tag that ensures the user is logged in.
ServiceTag.java Places an SCA service in the JSP page context.
FormServlet.java Process user input and uses the AccountService component.
LoginServlet.java Processes logging in and logout.
Files that will be loaded as resources along classpath.
AccountService.wsdl WSDL that  defines the account service.
bigbank-tags.tld Defines the tag libs for the user interface.
Files located in WEB-INF directory.
default.scdl Application's SCA SCDL file.
web.xml Application's web.xml file.
Generated Files.
sdo source Generated SDO. Created by tuscany-sdo-plugin maven plugin.
wsdl2java-source Generated SDO interface. Created by tuscany-plugin-wsdl2java maven  plugin.
Build files.
pom.xml Maven build file.



Account module


Webclient files 
click to enlarge
Java source files implementing SCA components and interfaces.
AccountServiceImpl.java   Implements the account service component.
AccountDataService.java Interface defined for component implementing  an account's data service.
AccountDataServiceDASImpl.java A Data Access Service (DAS) implementation of of the Account Data Service.
AccountDataServiceImpl.java A Data Service implementation not using DAS.
AccountDBInit.java A utility to just create the database and it table and fill in some initial data.
StockQuote.java A class to hold the StockQuote information.
StockQuoteService.java Interface defined for a component implementing a stock quote service.
StockQuoteServiceImpl.java Implements a fake stock quote service.
StockQuoteWebservicexServiceImpl.java Implements an actual stock quote service.
Files that will be loaded as resources along classpath.
AccountService.wsdl WSDL that  defines the account service
stockquotes.webservicex.wsdl Actual stock quote service WSDL.
DasAccountConfiguration.xml Provides any needed configuration info including datasource properties, table definitions,
Files located in WEB-INF directory.
default.scdl Application's SCA SCDL file.
web.xml Application's web.xml file.
Generated Files.
sdo source Generated SDO. Created by tuscany-sdo-plugin maven plugin.
wsdl2java-source Generated SDO interface. Created by tuscany-plugin-wsdl2java maven  plugin.
Build files.
pom.xml Maven build file.


The directions for maven  how  to build the each module is located in each module's directory in the pom.xml file.  The application uses Java 1.5 and thus in the build  plugin section needs the following compiler directives:


Both webclient and account uses three maven plugins: tuscany-sdo-plugintuscany-plugin-wsdl2java, and tuscany-war-plugin. The tuscany-sdo-plugin is provided by Tuscany 's SDO project while the other two are provided by the Tuscany SCA project.

The tuscany-sdo-plugin  references the WSDL's schema and generates all the files located in target/sdo_source directory.  The application uses these classes as a databinding instead of having to deal directly with XML that  represents form as defined in the WSDL's schema.

The tuscany-plugin-wsdl2java plugin generates a Java interface in the target/wsdl2java-source directory that is used to define the inteface (prottype) in the wsdl.

The tuscany-war-plugin is used to add both the Tuscany runtime and any Tuscany  extensions required by the application in the war file.. Looking at the pom.xml and search for  "tuscany-war-plugin" you'll find the plugin.  Which extension you want loaded are specified in the extensions section. The format for this  closely follows Maven's artifact naming.  The boolean loadExtensionDependencies option if true will  resolve all dependencies for each extension listed here and also include them in the war file.  



The web.xml file in each module adds necessary "hooks" to initiate and maintain the Tuscany SCA runtime in a web application host.

This class initializes the Tuscany runtime when the applications is started and helps finalize the Tuscany runtime when the application has ended.
<display-name>Tuscany Servlet</display-name>
This class provides the web applications servlet interface to SCA components.  The Axis websevices binding extension requires this.
This listener helps provide SCA session support .

The web application can be run in offline or online when resolving dependencies required by the application or it's required extensions. This is configured in the web.xml with the context-param element with a parameter name tuscany.online. If  not specified or set to true, dependencies are resolved by searching the local war repository, the local Maven repository, and remote repositories. If specified and set to false, the remote repositories will not be searched.


Each module's SCA application SCDL is located in the web application  WEB-INF/default.scdl file.  This is the default location, but within the web.xml it is possible to override this with a context-param element  with the name tuscany.applicationScdlPath.  The Tuscany System SCDL can also be overridden with another context-param element with the name tuscany.systemScdlPath.
The SCDL  used by the BigBank application is defined by SCA Assembly Model V0.96 , SCA Client and Implementation Model for Java (V0.95)  and the SCA Web Service bindings specifications.
There is one extension to SCDL used by BigBank that is specific to Tuscany that is used by SDO databinding extension.  The import.sdo element in the SCDL specifies which  SDO factories to register the SDO types.  In the case of BigBank the factory is the class generated by the tuscany-sdo-plugin maven plugin. An example of this follows:

 <dbsdo:import.sdo xmlns:dbsdo="http://incubator.apache.org/tuscany/xmlns/databinding/sdo/1.0-incubator-M2"

The Java code for the most part just implements the Web interface and the SCA components necessary to implement the business logic. The code uses Java 5.0 annotations as documented by the SCA Client and Implementation Model for Java (V0.95) specifications. The samples uses one annotation that is an Tuscany extension that is used by the databinding framework to identify that the components expect to SDO s for complex data types. An example of this is seen in the AccountService interface which has the @DataType(name="commonj.sdo.DataObject") annotation.


The Relational Database DAS (RDB DAS) is used in this sample to access relational data in terms of SDOs. All the code pertaining to this usage is contained to two one files: AccountDataServiceDASImpl.java and DasAccountConfiguration.xml. The java file provides code that instantiates and invokes the DAS and the XML file provides RDB DAS configuration.

The sample demonstrates a few of the RDB DAS capabilities including:

This sample does not currently demonstrate a few other key DAS features including Object relationships, optimistic concurrency control, and the use of convention over configuration. User level documentation for the RDB DAS can be found in the RDBDAS User's Guide.

This sample uses the RDB DAS as a utility. A future version of this sample will access the DAS as an SCA service.