Hello World Web Service SDO WebApp Sample ========================================= This sample demonstrates an SCA web service binding which works with SDO and runs as a web application. The README in the samples directory (the directory above this) provides general instructions about building and running samples. Take a look there first. As this sample provides a web app there is a manual step where the WAR file that contains the sample is copied to your web app container. If you just want to give this sample a go deploy the WAR file (target/sample-helloworld-ws-sdo-webapp.war) to you web application server. Once the web app is deployed use your browser to visit the following URL; http://localhost:8080/sample-helloworld-ws-sdo-webapp The port and hostname will of course vary depending on your local installation. The resulting web page displayed should show: Hello John Smith, Jane Doe! Building And Running The Sample Using Maven ------------------------------------------- With either the binary or source distributions the sample can be built and run using Maven as follows. When using Maven you don't need to run the helloworld- ws-service sample first as Maven does this for you. cd helloworld-ws-sdo-webapp mvn That should end with "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" and create the target/sample-helloworld-ws-sdo-webapp.war which you can copy to your server.