Tuscany SCA Technology Samples

To configure and build  see Sample setup

Sample Summary

Tuscany samples summary
helloworld Sample showing a J2SE client using the Tuscany SCA runtime and invoking a component.
helloworldweb  Sample showing a J2EE web app client using the Tuscany SCA runtime and invoking a component.
helloworldws  Sample showing a Tuscany SCA component exposed as a Web service endpoint.
helloworldwsclient  Sample showing a J2SE client using the Tuscany SCA runtime and invoking a remote Web service
helloworldws-celtix HelloWorld Sample using Celtix.
helloworld-jms server HelloWorld JMS server sample using Celtix.
helloworld-jms client HelloWorld JMS client sample using Celtix.
helloworlde4xws Sample showing a JavaScript/E4X component exposed as a Web service
helloworldjsonrpc Sample HelloWorld Web application using JSON-RPC
helloworldjsclient Another JSON-RPC web app sample showing a Web service client
calculator Sample showing  Tuscany SCA runtime using multiple components.
customerinfo Sample showing  a component  exposing a WSDL  portType interface and using the dynamic SDO API
supplychain Sample showing the use of Tuscany SCA asynchronous API