-------------------------------------------------------------------------- F U L C R U M -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fulcrum is a collection of components originally part of the Turbine core project that are suitable for use in any environment. They are designed to be used within any Avalon-compatible container. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B U I L D I N G -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You must have Maven 1.x. Building the Fulcrum from SVN is now very easy. Fulcrum has been Maven-enabled. Please refer to the Maven Getting Started document for instructions on building. This document is available here: http://maven.apache.org/maven-1.x/start/ Note: you'll also need Avalon's Maven plugin as well as the Merlin plugin. It can be installed by running the plugin:download goal like this: $ maven plugin:download -DartifactId=avalon-meta-plugin -DgroupId=avalon-meta -Dversion=1.2 $ maven plugin:download -DartifactId=merlin-plugin -DgroupId=merlin -Dversion=1.1-SNAPSHOT