# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # D E F A U L T P R O P E R T I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # These properties are used by the Turbine build, you may override # any of these default values by placing property values in # your ${user.home}/build.properties file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- name = Turbine version = 2.2-b2-dev project = turbine package = org.apache.${project} final.name = ${project}-${version} final.dir = ${final.name}/ build.dir = ./target build.src = ${build.dir}/src build.dest = ${build.dir}/classes build.xdocs = ${build.dir}/xdocs build.docs = ${build.dir}/docs src.dir = ./src src.java.dir = ${src.dir}/java src.dtd.dir = ${src.dir}/dtd conf.dir = ./conf javadoc.destdir = ./docs/apidocs jakarta.site2 = ../jakarta-site2 docs.src = ./xdocs docs.dest = ./docs turbine.jars = lib year = 1999-2002 debug = on optimize = off deprecation = off jdom.jar = jdom-b7.jar # You must set values for the JAR file properties listed here, or in # your ${user.home}/build.properties or local build.properties file in # order to build Torque: activation.jar = ${lib.repo}/activation-1.0.1.jar commons-collections.jar = ${lib.repo}/commons-collections.jar commons-configuration.jar = ${lib.repo}/commons-configuration-1.0-dev.jar commons-lang.jar = ${lib.repo}/commons-lang-0.1-dev.jar ecs.jar = ${lib.repo}/ecs-1.4.1.jar regexp.jar = ${lib.repo}/jakarta-regexp-1.3-dev.jar jdbc.jar = ${lib.repo}/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar jndi.jar = ${lib.repo}/jndi-1.2.1.jar jta.jar = ${lib.repo}/jta1.0.1.jar log4j.jar = ${lib.repo}/log4j-1.1.3.jar javamail.jar = ${lib.repo}/mail-1.2.jar oro.jar = ${lib.repo}/oro.jar servlet.jar = ${lib.repo}/servlet-2.2.jar stratum.jar = ${lib.repo}/stratum-1.0-b2-dev.jar torque.jar = ${lib.repo}/torque-3.0-dev.jar velocity.jar = ${lib.repo}/velocity-1.3-dev.jar village.jar = ${lib.repo}/village-1.5.3-dev.jar xalan.jar = ${lib.repo}/xalan-2.1.0.jar xerces.jar = ${lib.repo}/xercesImpl-2.0.0.jar xmlParserAPIs.jar = ${lib.repo}/xmlParserAPIs-2.0.0.jar xmlrpc.jar = ${lib.repo}/xmlrpc-helma.jar castor.jar = ${lib.repo}/castor-0.9.3.jar freemarker.jar = ${lib.repo}/freemarker-1.5.3.jar webmacro.jar = ${lib.repo}/webmacro-0.94.jar jython.jar = ${lib.repo}/jython-2.1.jar # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # T E S T I N G # ------------------------------------------------------------------- test.dir = ${src.dir}/test test.reportsDirectory = test-reports rttest.dir = ${src.dir}/rttest junit.jar = ${lib.repo}/junit-3.7.jar cactus.jar = ${lib.repo}/cactus.jar cactus-ant.jar = ${lib.repo}/cactus-ant.jar httpunit.jar = ${lib.repo}/httpunit.jar httpclient.jar = ${lib.repo}/httpclient.jar tidy.jar = ${lib.repo}/tidy.jar tomcat.home.40 = ${tdk.home} webapp.dir = ${rttest.dir}/testapp conf.test.dir = ${rttest.dir}/cactus out.test.dir = ${build.dir}/rttest # Port that will be used to start the servlet engines for testing. This is # optional and if omitted will default to 8080. This is used when you don't # want to interfere with a running servlet engine on port 8080. test.port=8182