# Configuration file for Cactus. # Each project using Cactus need to have such a file put in the client side # CLASSPATH (Meaning the directory containgin this file should be in the client # side CLASSPATH, not the file itself of course ... :) ) # Defines the URLs that will be used by Cactus to call it's redirectors. # You need to specify in these URLs the webapp context that you use for your # application. In the example below, the context is "test". # Servlet Redirector. Used by ServletTestCase test cases. cactus.servletRedirectorURL = http://localhost:@maven.test.port@/test/ServletRedirector/ # JSP Redirector. Used by JspTestCase test cases. cactus.jspRedirectorURL = http://localhost:@maven.test.port@/test/JspRedirector/ # Filter Redirector. Used by FilterTestCase test cases. # NOTE: Some servlet 2.3 containers need to map the filter to a valid # resource (Orion 1.5.2 for example). Others, like Tomcat, are happy # with just any mapping. # # For example, the following would work with Tomcat : # cactus.filterRedirectorURL = http://localhost:@maven.test.port@/test/FilterRedirector cactus.filterRedirectorURL = http://localhost:@maven.test.port@/test/test/filterRedirector.jsp