Updating the Content ==================== In order to update the site all you have to do is edit the appropriate file in the `content/` directory. These files are written in Markdown. The syntax is explained best by http://www.apache.org/dev/cmsref.html#markdown http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax If you want to change a style, those can be found in `content/styles/` Change the general layout by modifying the files in `templates/`. You can also change the behaviour by modifying the files in `lib/`. Documentation on this process can be found at http://www.apache.org/dev/cms.html Publishing the Site =================== Publish your changes happens when you commit. They will appear (almost) instantly at http://trafficserver.staging.apache.org/ If you are not a committer, simply run $ svn diff and send us that patch to dev@trafficserver.apache.org or file an issue in our Jira: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TS Switching the Content `live` ============================ To push the changes to our publicly well-known site, as a commiter you can simply login to people.apache.org and run, e.g.: $ publish.pl trafficserver igalic You might want to replace `igalic` with *your* Apache ID. For the curious, or those doing heavy modification, sometimes it is necessary or beneficial to see the changes locally, before of commiting every single change to staging. The following are instructions for that case: Building the Site ================= Prerequisite to building the site is to have the CMS checked out and to have all the appropriate CPAN modules installed. We provide two scripts: install-ubuntu.sh and install-fedora.sh from these you could derive which packages are necessary for *your* platform. $ sudo ./install-fedora.sh The next step is to checkout the CMS system itself. $ cd .. $ svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/cms $ cd - You can now attempt to build the site: $ ./build.sh Publishing the Site =================== In order to publish the site, we recommand, for convinience to symlink the publishing script into this checkout's working copy: $ ln -s ../cms/webgui/publish.pl Then publish the site by executing the script with trafficserver and your Apache ID as parameters, e.g.: $ ./publish.sh trafficserver igalic You will be prompted for your password. After that the script shows a diff between staging HTML and the current live content. You can write a witty commit message, and send it off. Thanks to SvnPubSub it will automatically replicate on both mirrors.