
Traffic Server Software Developers Kit

Restart Traffic Server

The last step is to start/restart Traffic Server. Shown below is the output displayed after you've created and loaded your hello-world plugin.

# grep proxy.config.plugin.plugin_dir config/records.config
CONFIG proxy.config.plugin.plugin_dir STRING config/plugins
# ls config/plugins
# bin/traffic_server
[Mar 27 19:06:31.669] NOTE: updated diags config
[Mar 27 19:06:31.680] NOTE: loading plugin 'config/plugins/hello-world.so'
hello world
[Mar 27 19:06:32.046] NOTE: cache disabled (initializing)
[Mar 27 19:06:32.053] NOTE: cache enabled
[Mar 27 19:06:32.526] NOTE: Traffic Server running

Note: in the example above, Traffic Server notes are directed to the console by specifying E for proxy.config.diags.output.note in records.config. The second note shows Traffic Server attempting to load the hello-world plugin. The third line of Traffic Server output is from your plugin.