
Traffic Server Software Developers Kit

MIIME Headers

MIME headers and fields can be components of request headers, response headers, or standalone headers created within your plugin. Make sure you call the MIME header functions appropriately. For example: if you want to clone a MIME header field within a request header, then call INKMimeHdrFieldClone after READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK.

The Traffic Server MIME header functions are described below.


Appends a field in a MIME header.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldAppend (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field)


Appends the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp into the MIME header located at url_loc within the marshal buffer bufp.


INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Copies a MIME field to a marshal buffer and returns the INKMLoc location of the copied field.


INKMLoc INKMimeHdrFieldClone (INKMBuffer dest_bufp, INKMLoc dest_hdr, INKMBuffer src_bufp, INKMLoc src_hdr, INKMLoc src_field)


Copies the contents of the MIME field located at src_field within the marshal buffer src_bufp to a MIME header located at dest_hdr within the marshal buffer dest_bufp.


The INKMLoc location of the copied field. Release the returned handle with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.

INK_ERROR_PTR if an error occurs.


Copies a MIME field from one specified location to another specified location.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldCopy (INKMBuffer dest_bufp, INKMLoc dest_hdr, INKMLoc dest_field, INKMBuffer src_bufp, INKMLoc src_hdr, INKMLoc src_field)


Copies the contents of the MIME field located at src_field within the marshal buffer src_bufp to the MIME field located at dest_field within the marshal buffer dest_bufp. INKMimeHdrFieldCopy works correctly even if src_bufp and dest_bufp point to different marshal buffers.

[Note] Note

You must first create the destination MIME field before you can copy into it.


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Copies MIME field values from one location to another.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldCopyValues (INKMBuffer dest_bufp, INKMLoc dest_hdr, INKMLoc dest_field, INKMBuffer src_bufp, INKMLoc src_hdr, INKMLoc src_field)


Copies the values contained within the MIME field located at src_field within the marshal buffer src_bufp to the MIME field located at dest_field within the marshal buffer dest_bufp. INKMimeHdrFieldCopyValues works correctly even if src_bufp and dest_bufp point to different marshal buffers. INKMimeHdrFieldCopyValues does not copy the field’s name.


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Creates a new MIME field within a specified marshal buffer.


INKMLoc INKMimeHdrFieldCreate (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr)


Creates a new MIME field with the marshal buffer bufp.


The location of the new MIME field. Release with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.


Deletes a specified MIME field from a marshal buffer.


void INKMimeHdrFieldDestroy (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field)


Destroys the MIME field located at field within the MIME header located at hdr within the marshal buffer bufp.

After the call to INKMimeHdrFieldDestroy, you must release the INKMLoc handle field with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.


Calculates the length of a string representation in a specified MIME field.


int INKMimeHdrFieldLengthGet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field)


Calculates the length of the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp if it was returned as a string. This is the length of the MIME field in its unparsed form.


The calculated length of a string representation of the specified MIME field.

INK_ERROR if there is an error.


Gets the name and name length of a specified MIME field.


const char* INKMimeHdrFieldNameGet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field, int *length)


Returns the name of the field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. INKMimeHdrFieldNameGet places the length of the returned string in the length argument.


A pointer to the name of the specified field within the specified MIME header. Release the returned string with a call to INKHandleStringRelease.

INK_ERROR_PTR if an error occurs.

[Note] Note

The returned string is not guaranteed to be null-terminated.


Sets the name for a specified MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldNameSet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field, const char *name, int length)


Sets the name of the field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp to the string name. If length is -1, then INKMimeHdrFieldNameSet assumes the name is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of the string name is taken to be length. INKMimeHdrFieldNameSet copies the string to within bufp, so it is okay to modify or delete name after calling INKMimeHdrFieldNameSet. When possible, use the INK_MIME_FIELD_XXX tokens for name .


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Returns the next MIME field after a specified MIME field in a MIME header.


INKMLoc INKMimeHdrFieldNext (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field)


Conceptually, MIME fields are listed in a MIME header (see Guide to Traffic Server HTTP Header System). INKMimeHdrFieldNext returns the location of the next field in the list, after the field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. If the next field is not found, then a NULL pointer is returned.


The location of the MIME field following the specified MIME field within the specified MIME header. Release the returned INKMLoc with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease (see the code example below).

INK_ERROR_PTR if an error occurs.


An example of a loop through each MIME field of an HTTP header is featured below:

field_loc = INKMimeHdrFieldGet (hdr_bufp, hdr_loc, 0);
  while (field_loc) {
       /* Temp variable used only for the loop */
       INKMLoc next_field_loc;

       /* Do your job with the field here */

       /* Get the next field and release the current one */
       next_field_loc = INKMimeHdrFieldNext (hdr_bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
       INKHandleMLocRelease(hdr_bufp, hdr_loc, field_loc);
       field_loc = next_field_loc;


Returns the next duplicate MIME field after a specified MIME field in a MIME header.


INKMLoc INKMimeHdrFieldNextDup (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field)


MIME headers can contain more than one MIME field with the same name. While previous versions of Traffic Server joined multiple fields with the same name into one field with composite values, this behavior comes at a performance cost and causes compatability issues with older clients and servers. Future versions of Traffic Server will cease coalescing duplicate fields.

Your plugins should check for the presence of duplicate fields and iterate over duplicate fields via INKMimeHdrFieldNextDup. INKMimeHdrFieldNextDup returns the location of the next duplicate field in the list after the field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. If the next field is not found, then a NULL pointer is returned.


The location of the next duplicate MIME field that follows the specified field within the specified MIME header. Release with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.

INK_ERROR_PTR if an error occurs.


Appends a string to a specified value in a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueAppend (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field, int idx, const char *value, int length)


bufp is the marshal buffer containing the MIME field.

hdr is the location of the parent object within the marshal buffer bufp from which field was retrieved.

field is the location of the MIME field to be appended.

idx is the index of the field value to be appended. For example: in the MIME field Foo: bar, car the index of the value bar is 0 and the index of car is 1.

value is the string that will be appended to the MIME field value at idx.

length is the length of the string value to be appended.


Appends the string stored in value to a specific value in the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. The effect of INKMimeHdrFieldValueAppend is as if the previous value was retrieved, the string value was appended to it, and this new string was stored back in the MIME field at the same position. The idx parameter specifies which value in the field to append to. If idx is not between 0 and INKMimeHdrFieldValuesCount (bufp, hdr, field) - 1, then no operation is performed.


INK_SUCCESS if the string is successfully appended.

INK_ERROR if the hook is not added.


Gets the date value from a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueDateGet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, time_t *value)


Retrieves a date value from within the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. All values are stored as strings within the MIME field. INKMimeHdrFieldValueDateGet parses the string value to return an integer date representation.


The date value from the specified MIME header.

INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Inserts a date value into a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueDateInsert (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, time_t value)


Inserts the date value into the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. All values are stored as strings within the MIME field. INKMimeHdrFieldValueDateInsert simply formats the date into a string and then calls INKMimeHdrFieldValueInsert.


INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Sets a date value in a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueDateSet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, time_t value)


Sets a value in the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp to the date value. All values are stored as strings within the MIME field. INKMimeHdrFieldValueDateSet simply formats the date into a string and then calls INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringSet.


INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Deletes a specified value from a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldVcoalueDelete (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field, int idx)


Removes and deletes a value from the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. The idx parameter specifies which value should be deleted. If idx is not between 0 and INKMimeHdrFieldValuesCount (bufp, hdr, field) - 1, then no operation is performed.


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Gets an integer field value in a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueIntGet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, int idx, int *value)


Retrieves an integer value from within the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp . The idx parameter specifies which value within the field to retrieve. The fields are numbered from 0 to INKMimeHdrFieldValuesCount (bufp, hdr, field) - 1. If idx does not lie within that range, then INKMimeHdrFieldValueIntGet returns (int) 0. All values are stored as strings within the MIME field; INKMimeHdrFieldValueIntGet parses the string value to return an integer.


The integer value from the specified MIME field.

INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Inserts an integer value into a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueIntInsert (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, int value, int idx)


Inserts the integer value into the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. The idx parameter specifies where the inserted value should be placed with respect to the other values already in the MIME field. If idx is 0, then the value is prepended to the list of values in the field. Increasing values of idx places the value farther down the list of values. If idx is -1, then the value is appended to the list of values. Normal usage is to specify -1 for idx so that the value is appended to the list of values. All values are stored as strings within the MIME field. INKMimeHdrFieldValueIntInsert simply formats the integer into a string and then calls INKMimeHdrFieldValueInsert.


INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Sets an integer value within a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueIntSet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, int idx, int value)


Sets a value in the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. The idx parameter specifies which value in the field to change. If idx is not between 0 and INKMimeHdrFieldValuesCount (bufp, hdr, field) - 1, then no operation is performed. All values are stored as strings within the MIME field. INKMimeHdrFieldValueIntSet simply formats the integer into a string and then calls INKMimeHdrFieldValueSet.


INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Gets a specified field value from a MIME header.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringGet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, int idx, const char **value, int *value_len)


Retrieves a string value from within the MIME field within the marshal buffer bufp. The idx parameter specifies which field to retrieve. The fields are numbered from 0 to INKMimeHdrFieldValuesCount (bufp, hdr, field) - 1. If idx does not lie within that range, then NULL is returned. The length of the returned string is placed in the value_len argument. If value_len is NULL, then no attempt is made to dereference it.


A pointer to the specified field value in the MIME header. Release with a call to INKHandleStringRelease.

INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Inserts a value into a specified location within a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringInsert (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field, int idx, const char *value, int length)


Inserts the string value into the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. If len is -1, then INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringInsert assumes that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of the string value is taken to be length. INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringInsert copies the string to within bufp, so it is okay to modify or delete value after calling INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringSet. The idx parameter specifies where the inserted value should be placed with respect to the other values already in the MIME field. If idx is 0, then INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringInsert prepends the value to the list of values in the field. Increasing values of idx place the value farther down the list of values. If idx is -1, then INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringInsert appends the value to the list of values. Normal usage is to specify -1 for idx so that the value is appended to the list of values.


INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Sets a value in a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringSet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, int idx, const char *value, int len)


Sets a value in the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp to the string value. If len is -1, then it is assumed that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of the string value is taken to be len. The string is copied to within bufp, so it is okay to modify or delete value after calling INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringSet. The idx parameter specifies which value in the field to change. If idx is not between 0 and INKMimeHdrFieldValuesCount (bufp, hdr, field) - 1, then no operation will be performed. If idx is set to -1, then all the MIME field values are returned.


Suppose the MIME field is MyField: value1, value2, value3. If INKMimeHdrFieldGet is called with idx set to -1, then it will return a pointer to “value1, value2, value3”.

[Note] Note

As with other MIME header manipulation APIs, the string is not null-terminated.


Gets an unsigned integer field value in a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueUintGet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, int idx, unsigned int *value)


Retrieves an unsigned integer value from within the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. The idx parameter specifies which field to retrieve. The fields are numbered from 0 to INKMimeHdrFieldValuesCount (bufp, hdr, field) - 1. If idx does not lie within that range, then INKMimeHdrFieldValueGetUnit returns (unsigned int) 0. All values are stored as strings within the MIME field. INKMimeHdrFieldValueUintGet parses the string value to return an unsigned integer.

It is not possible to determine if INKMimeHdrFieldValueUintGet is returning an unsigned int value in error. If you need to check for errors in MIME header field values, then you can fetch the header as a string and examine it (see the example below).


The unsigned integer value from the specified MIME field.

INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


The example below contains sample code that fetches MIME headers from marshal buffers into strings using INKMimeHdrFieldValueGet instead. The context of this example is that the plugin is processing an HTTP transaction and has access to a transaction.

static void
handle_string (INKHttpTxn txnp, INKCont contp) {
    INKMBuffer bufp;
    INKMLoc hdr_loc;
    INKMLoc field;
    int len;
    char* output_string;
    const char* value;
/* Fetch  the transaction's client request header into a marshal buffer. */
    if (!INKHttpTxnClientReqGet (txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc)) { 
        INKError ("couldn't retrieve client request header\n"); 
        goto done;
    field=INKMimeHdrFieldFind(bufp, hdr_loc, 
    if (!field) { 
        INKError ("Content-Length field not found.\n"); 
        INKHandleMLocRelease (bufp, INK_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
        goto done;
    /* Obtain the value of the content length (normally an 
     * unsigned int) as a string. */
    value=INKMimeHdrFieldValueGet (bufp, hdr_loc, field, 0, &len); 
    if ((!value) || (len<=0))}
        INKHandleMLocRelease (bufp, hdr_loc, field);
        INKHandleMLocRelease (bufp, INK_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
        goto done;
    /* Allocate the string with an extra byte for the string terminator. */
    output_string = (char*) INKmalloc(len + 1);
    /* Copy the value. */
    strncpy (output_string, value, len);

    /* Terminate the string */
    output_string[len] = '\0';
/* Now that you have the MIME fields as a string, you can do whatever
       you want to do with it. For example: you can print it or 
       make sure it's an unsigned integer, either by using the
       atol C function or by scanning each ASCII character.  */ 
    INKDebug("my-plugin", "%s", output_string);
    /* Release handles and allocated memory. */    
    INKHandleStringRelease (bufp, field, value);


Inserts an unsigned integer value into a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueUIntInsert (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, unsigned int value, int idx)


Inserts the unsigned integer value into the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp. The idx parameter specifies where the inserted value should be placed with respect to other values already in the MIME field. If idx is 0, then the value is prepended to the list of values in the field. Increasing values of idx simply places the value farther down on the list of values. If idx is -1, then the value is appended to the list of values. Normal usage is to specify -1 for idx so that the value will be appended to the existing list of values. All values are stored as strings within the MIME field. INKMimeHdrFieldValueUIntInsert simply formats the unsigned integer into a string and then calls INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringInsert.


INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Sets a value in a MIME field to a specified unsigned integer.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValueUintSet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field, int idx, unsigned int value)


Sets a value in the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp to the unsigned integer value. The idx parameter specifies which value in the field to change. If idx is not between 0 and INKMimeHdrFieldValuesCount (bufp, hdr, field) - 1, then no operation is performed. All values are stored as strings within the MIME field. INKMimeHdrFieldValueUintSet simply formats the unsigned integer into a string and then calls INKMimeHdrFieldValueStringSet.


INK_SUCCESS if the API is called successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs while calling the API or if an argument is invalid.


Clears all values in a MIME field.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldValuesClear (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field)


Removes and destroys all values within the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp.

Make sure you release any corresponding INKMLoc or string handles via INKHandleMLocRelease or INKHandleStringRelease.


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Counts the values in a MIME field.


int INKMimeHdrFieldValuesCount (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr, INKMLoc field)


Retrieves a count of the number of values in the MIME field located at field within the marshal buffer bufp.


The number of values in the specified MIME field.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Copies a MIME header and returns the location of the copied header.


INKMLoc INKMimeHdrClone(INKMBuffer dest_bufp, INKMBuffer src_bufp, INKMLoc src_hdr_loc)


Copies the contents of the MIME header located at src_hdr_loc within the marshal buffer src_bufp to the marshal buffer dest_bufp.


The INKMLoc location of the copied header. Release the returned handle with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.

INK_ERROR_PTR if an error occurs.


Copies a MIME header to a specified MIME header location.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrCopy (INKMBuffer dest_bufp, INKMLoc dest_hdr_loc, INKMBuffer src_bufp, INKMLoc src_hdr_loc)


Copies the contents of the MIME header located at src_hdr_loc within the marshal buffer src_bufp to the MIME header located at dest_hdr_loc within the marshal buffer dest_bufp. INKMimeHdrCopy works correctly even if src_bufp and dest_bufp point to different marshal buffers.

[Note] Note

Make sure the destination marshal buffer and destination MIME header location have been created before copying (see the example below).


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.

static void
copyResponseMimeHdr (INKCont pCont, INKHttpTxn pTxn) 
   INKMBuffer respHdrBuf, tmpBuf;
   INKMLoc respHttpHdrLoc, tmpMimeHdrLoc; 

   if ( !INKHttpTxnClientRespGet (pTxn, &respHdrBuf, &respHttpHdrLoc) ) { 
      INKError ("couldn't retrieve client response header\n"); 
      INKHandleMLocRelease (respHdrBuf, INK_NULL_MLOC, 
      goto done;
   tmpBuf = INKMBufferCreate ();
   tmpMimeHdrLoc = INKMimeHdrCreate(tmpBuf); 

   INKMimeHdrCopy(tmpBuf, tmpMimeHdrLoc, respHdrBuf, respHttpHdrLoc); 

   INKHandleMLocRelease (tmpBuf, INK_NULL_MLOC, tmpMimeHdrLoc); 
   INKHandleMLocRelease (respHdrBuf, INK_NULL_MLOC, respHttpHdrLoc); 


   INKHttpTxnReenable(pTxn, INK_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE); }


Creates a MIME header.


INKMLoc INKMimeHdrCreate (INKMBuffer bufp)


Creates a new MIME header within the marshal buffer bufp.


Location of the newly-created MIME header. Release with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.

INK_ERROR_PTR if an error occurs.


Destroys a MIME header.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrDestroy (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc)


Destroys the MIME header located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp.

Release the INKMLoc handle hdr_loc with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Finds specific fields in a MIME header.


INKMLoc INKMimeHdrFieldFind (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc loc, const char* name, int length)


Retrieves a MIME field from within the MIME header located at loc within the marshal buffer bufp. The name and length parameters specify which field to retrieve. For each MIME field in the MIME header, a case-insensitive string comparison is done between the field name and name. The length parameter specifies the length of the string that name points to. If length is -1, then name is assumed to be null-terminated. If the requested field cannot be found, then 0 is returned.


The location of the retrieved MIME header. Release with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.

INK_ERROR_PTR if an error occurs.


Gets a field in a MIME header.


INKMLoc INKMimeHdrFieldGet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, int idx)


Retrieves a MIME field from within the MIME header located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp. The idx parameter specifies which field to retrieve. The fields are numbered from 0 to INKMimeHdrFieldsCount (bufp, hdr_loc) - 1. If idx does not lie within that range, then 0 is returned.


The location of the MIME field from within the MIME header. Release with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.

INK_ERROR_PTR if an error occurs.


Removes a field in a MIME header.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldRemove (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKMLoc field)


Removes the MIME header located at field within the marshal buffer bufp from the MIME header located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp. If the specified field cannot be found in the list of fields associated with the header, then nothing is done.

After the call to INKMimeHdrFieldDestroy, you must release the INKMLoc handle field with a call to INKHandleMLocRelease.

[Note] Note

Removing the MIME field doesn't destroy the field - it only detaches it and hides it from the printed output.The field can be reattached by calling INKMimeHdrFieldAppend.


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Clears all the fields in a MIME header.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrFieldsClear (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc)


Removes and destroys all MIME fields in the MIME header located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp.

Make sure that you release any corresponding INKMLoc or string handles using INKHandleMLocRelease or INKHandleStringRelease.


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Counts the fields in a MIME header.


int INKMimeHdrFieldsCount (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc)


Obtains a count of the number of MIME fields within the MIME header located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp.


The number of fields within the specified MIME header.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Gets the length of a MIME header.


int INKMimeHdrLengthGet (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc)


Calculates the length of the MIME header located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp if it was returned as a string. This is the length of the MIME header in its unparsed form.


The length of the specified MIME header.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Parses a MIME header.


int INKMimeHdrParse (INKMimeParser parser, INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, const char **start, const char *end)


Parses a MIME header. The MIME header must have already been allocated, and both bufp and hdr_loc must point within that header. The start argument points to the current position of the buffer being parsed and the end argument points to one byte after the end of the buffer. Upon return, start is modified to point past the last character parsed. It is possible to parse a MIME header a single byte at a time using repeated calls to INKMimeHdrParse. As long as an error does not occur, the INKMimeHdrParse function consumes that single byte and asks for more.


INK_PARSE_ERROR if an error occurs.

INK_PARSE_DONE when a \r\n\r\n pattern is encountered, indicating the end of the header.

INK_PARSE_CONT if parsing of the header stopped because the end of the buffer was reached.


Clears a MIME header parser so it can be reused.


INKReturnCode INKMimeParserClear (INKMimeParser parser)


Clears the specified MIME parser so it can be used again.


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Creates a parser for MIME headers.


INKMimeParser INKMimeParserCreate (void)


Creates a MIME parser. The parser’s data structure contains information about the header being parsed. A single MIME parser can be used multiple times, but not simultaneously. Before being used again, the parser must be cleared by calling INKMimeParserClear.


A pointer to the newly-created MIME parser.

INK_ERROR_PTR if an error occurs.


Destroys a MIME header parser.


INKReturnCode INKMimeParserDestroy (INKMimeParser parser)


Destroys the specified MIME parser and frees the associated memory.


INK_SUCCESS if the parser is successfully destroyed.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.


Prints a MIME header to an IO buffer.


INKReturnCode INKMimeHdrPrint (INKMBuffer bufp, INKMLoc hdr_loc, INKIOBuffer iobufp)


Formats the MIME header located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp into the IO buffer iobufp . See IO Buffers for information about allocating an IO buffer and retrieving data from within one.


INK_SUCCESS if successful.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.