
Traffic Server Software Developers Kit

Management Interface Functions


Sets up a plugin’s management interface.


INKReturnCode INKMgmtUpdateRegister (INKCont contp, const char *plugin_name, const char *path)


contp is the continuation to be called back if the plugin’s configuration is changed. The handler function for this continutation must handle the event INK_EVENT_MGMT_UPDATE.

plugin_name is the name of the plugin. This name must match the name of the plugin specified in your CGI form submission for INK_PLUGIN_NAME.

path is the location of the plugin's interface, relative to the Traffic Server plugin directory (as specified by the records.config variable proxy.config.plugin.plugin_dir). If your plugin has a web user interface, then the path should be located in the Traffic Server config directory. For example, path could be Blacklist/ui/index.html or Blacklist/ui/index.cgi.


INK_SUCCESS if the operation completes successfully.

INK_ERROR if an error occurs.