
Traffic Server Software Developers Kit


Tells you if an action is completed.


int INKActionDone (INKAction actionp)


actionp is a completed action. If a NULL argument is passed to INKActionDone, then Traffic Server crashes and does not return INK_ERROR.

Note: it is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that a non-null value is passed to INKActionDone.

[Important] Important

Always use INKActionDone immediately after the call that assigns the action.
For example:

actionp = INKContSchedule(contp, SOME_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
if (INKActionDone(actionp)){
    //event has already occurred 

If you call INKActionDone(actionp) some time later or some where else, then it always returns false and therefore does not accurately reflect whether the action is completed.


0 if the action has not completed.

1 if the action has completed

INK_ERROR if an error has occurred.