
This manual describes how to use and configure Traffic Server. For information about installing Traffic Server, refer to the Traffic Server SDK Programmer's Guide. For information about unsupported features and last-minute information not available in this manual, refer to the Release Notes.

The Traffic Server Administrator's Guide covers the following topics:

Who Should Read This Manual

This manual is written for Traffic Server system administrators who configure, run, and administer Traffic Server systems. To use this manual, you should understand web proxy caching, TCP/IP network protocols, network administration and management, and the Linux operating system.

Conventions Used in This Manual

This manual uses the typographic conventions described below.

Convention Purpose
italic Used for emphasis; occasionally used to introduce terms. For example: “the reverse proxy option is used when...”
underline Used for emphasis. For example: “This means that a new log file will not be created."

Represents graphical user interface options and menu names. For example: "Click the Protocols button."
Also used to denote glossary or index terms, which may be hyperlinked to another section of the document.

monospaced face
Represents commands, filenames, file content, and computer input/output. For example: “use the reconfigure command.”
monospaced italic
Represents variables for which you should substitute a value. For example: “enter filename in the appropriate directory.”
brackets [ ] Encloses optional command arguments in command syntax. For example: add pathname [size]
vertical line | Separates value options in command syntax. For example: open tcp|udp ports o_ports