Managing tests with DEFT

Test groups

DEFT support test groups to make running a set of tests easy. To run a test group, use the -g command line option. For example, to run the 'http' test group:

  ./ sun_dbg -g http 

By the default, the test groups are read from the defs/test_groups.deft file. An alternate file can be specified with the -G command line option.

The format of test_groups.deft is simple. It's parsed on a line by line basis with lines ending in '\' treated as continuation lines. Two directives exists: test_case and test_group. Syntax for the lines are:

  test_case <name> <script_name> <arg1> <arg2> <argN>
  test_group <name> <test_case or test_group> <test_case or  test_group> ..

Here's an example file:

test_group http    \
	jtest1 \

test_case  syntest
test_case  jtest1

Tinderbox reporting & html test output

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What's next

The next step is learning how to add new testing tools to the testing framework. Read Adding Test Tools to learn how.

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