# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Accept-Encoding/User-Agent filtering Configuration file. # This file can include an unlimited number of regular expressions or simple strings for # User-Agents headers filtering. # If the request User-Agent header matches the regular expression, Accep-Encoding header # will be verified/changed/removed in order to disable the acceptance of any compressed data. # Please keep in mind that Traffic Server has some predefined regular expressions # for well-known "bad" clients. # Traffic Server supports the following format for this file: # # where can be: # .substring - check only lead substring in User-Agent header (case sensitive) # .string - the same as .substring # .substring_ncase - check only lead substring in User-Agent header (case insensitive) # .string_ncase - the same as .substring_ncase # .regexp - POSIX regular expression # # - valid POSIX regular expression if ".regexp" string type was specified # or arbitrary ascii string for other string types # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For example: # .regexp Mozilla/4.[0-9].* # .string Mozilla/4.0