About file-plugin.c This plugin simply reads a file and writes its contents to a buffer. In a typical Traffic Server installation, this buffer is written to traffic.out. A similar function is used in the append-transform plugin which reads in text from a file, and appends the text to the bodies of html response documents. (See the load function in append-transform.c). To use this plugin, you would need a line like this in plugin.config: On NT: File.dll path/to/file.text On Solaris: file-1.so path/to/file.text Enter either an absolute or a relative pathname for the file. If you use a relative pathname, the path must be specified with respect to the Traffic Server install directory. (That is, the path contained in /etc/traffic_server.) The only function defined is INKPluginInit. It does the following: - opens the file specified in plugin.config, using INKfopen - reads the content of the file into a buffer using INKfgets - closes the file using INKfclose