<@include /include/header.ink> <@include /configure/c_header.ink>
> >
<@include /configure/c_buttons.ink> <@submit_error_msg>
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.admin.basic_auth>Basic Authentication
> Enabled
> Disabled
  • Enables/Disables basic user authentication to control access to the <@record proxy.config.manager_name> UI.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.admin.admin_user>Login
  • Specifies the administrator ID that controls access to the <@record proxy.config.manager_name> UI.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.admin.admin_password>Password
Old Password
New Password
New Password (Retype)
  • Specifies the encrypted administrator password that controls access to the <@record proxy.config.manager_name> UI.
  • To change the password, enter the old password, then enter the new password twice.
<@submit_error_flg additional_administrative_accounts>Additional Users
Specifies additional user accounts. Administrators can create new accounts to grant additional users access to the <@record proxy.config.manager_name> UI.
Username Access Encrypted Password Delete
<@submit_error_flg add_new_administrative_user>Add New User
New User
New Password
New Password (Retype)
  • <@record proxy.config.product_name> adds new users with 'No Access' privileges. After adding a new user, you can modify the privileges above.
<@include /configure/c_buttons.ink> <@include /configure/c_footer.ink>
<@include /include/body_footer.ink>