<@include /include/header.ink> <@include /configure/c_header.ink>
> >
<@include /configure/c_buttons.ink> <@submit_error_msg>
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.logging_enabled>Logging
> Log Transactions and Errors
> Log Transactions Only
> Log Errors Only
> Disabled
  • Enables/Disables event logging.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.logfile_dir>Log Directory
  • Specifies the full path to the logging directory.
Log Space
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.max_space_mb_for_logs>Limit
  • Specifies the amount of space allocated to the logging directory in MB.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.max_space_mb_headroom>Headroom
  • Specifies the tolerance for the log space limit in MB.
  • If auto-delete rolled files is enabled, autodeletion of log files is triggered when the amount of free space available in the logging directory is less than the value specified here.
Log Rolling
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.rolling_enabled>Enable/Disable
> Enabled
> Disabled
  • Enables/Disables log file rolling.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.rolling_offset_hr>Offset Hour
  • Specifies the file rolling offset hour. The hour of the day that starts the log rolling period.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.rolling_interval_sec>Interval
  • Specifies the log file rolling interval, in seconds.
  • The minimum value is 300 (5 minutes).
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.auto_delete_rolled_files>Auto-Delete Rolled Files
> Enabled
> Disabled
  • Enables/Disables automatic deletion of rolled files.
<@include /configure/c_buttons.ink> <@include /configure/c_footer.ink>
<@include /include/footer.ink>