<@include /include/header.ink> <@include /configure/c_header.ink>
> >
<@include /configure/c_buttons.ink> <@submit_error_msg>
Squid Format
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.squid_log_enabled>Enable/Disable
> Enabled
> Disabled
  • Enables/Disables the generation of the log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.squid_log_is_ascii>ASCII/Binary
> Binary
  • Specifies whether to write an ASCII or a binary log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.squid_log_name>Filename
  • Specifies the filename of the log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.squid_log_header>Header
  • Specifies the header to write at the beginning of the log.
Netscape Common Format
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.common_log_enabled>Enable/Disable
> Enabled
> Disabled
  • Enables/Disables the generation of the log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.common_log_is_ascii>ASCII/Binary
> Binary
  • Specifies whether to write an ASCII or a binary log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.common_log_name>Filename
  • Specifies the filename of the log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.common_log_header>Header
  • Specifies the header to write at the beginning of the log.
Netscape Extended Format
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.extended_log_enabled>Enable/Disable
> Enabled
> Disabled
  • Enables/Disables the generation of the log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.extended_log_is_ascii>ASCII/Binary
> Binary
  • Specifies whether to write an ASCII or a binary log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.extended_log_name>Filename
  • Specifies the filename of the log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.extended_log_header>Header
  • Specifies the header to write at the beginning of the log.
Netscape Extended 2 Format
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.extended2_log_enabled>Enable/Disable
> Enabled
> Disabled
  • Enables/Disables the generation of the log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.extended2_log_is_ascii>ASCII/Binary
> Binary
  • Specifies whether to write an ASCII or a binary log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.extended2_log_name>Filename
  • Specifies the filename of the log.
<@submit_error_flg proxy.config.log2.extended2_log_header>Header
  • Specifies the header to write at the beginning of the log.
<@include /configure/c_buttons.ink> <@include /configure/c_footer.ink>
<@include /include/footer.ink>