HTTP Engine Configuration and Statistics Variables ================================================== Date: Feb 13, 1997 +----------------+ | Configurations | +----------------+ Proxy Schems: ------------- Name : SchemeEnabled Type : A bit vector. a bit per scheme. Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : Current schemes are HTTP / HTTPS Name : TunnelingEnabled Type : boolean Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : support CONNECT request for SSL tunneling. Connections and Keep Alive: --------------------------- Name : MaxOpenConnectionsToServer Type : int Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : maximum number of connections the proxy can open to a single origin server Name : MaxConnectionsIn Type : int Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : Limit the number of concurrent open connections to the proxy server. Name : KeepAliveNoActivityTimeoutIn Type : int Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : Minimum number of seconds to wait for a new request from a user agent on a keep-alive connection. Time is counted from the time the last byte of the response to the last request was sent to the user agent. If the time exceeds the timeout value the proxy closes the connection to the user agent. Name : KeepAliveNoActivityTimeoutOut Type : int Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : Minimum number of seconds to wait for a new request on an opened keep-alive connection between the proxy and an origin server. If the time exceeds the timeout value, the proxy closes this keep-alive connection to the origin server. Name : MaxPendingKeepAliveOut Type : int Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : Maximum number of pending keep alive requests on an outgoing keep alive connection. If the outgoing keep-alive queue is full and the number of connections opened to that server is less then 'MaxOpenConnectionsToServer', then the proxy opens a new connection. Else it puts it in a standby queue. Name : ServerPort Type : integer Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : Name : HttpVersionIn Type : integer Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : http version for this proxy for incoming connections. Name : HttpVersionOut Type : integer Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : http version for this proxy for outgoing connections. Name : HTTP1_0_KeepAliveEnableIn Type : boolean Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : enable keep alive for incoming connections Name : HTTP1_0_KeepAliveEnableOut Type : boolean Who It Affects: HTTP Processor Comments : enable keep alive for outgoing connections Proxy - Processing a request: ----------------------------- E:Name : ink_api_enable Type : boolean Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : enable or disable calls to user defined ink_api functions. E:Name : AccessControlEnable Type : boolean Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : enable or disable site access control Name : AccessControlSiteFileName Type : string Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : A file with sites for access control Name : MimeTypeFileName Type : string Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : A file with mime types Name : UserGroups Type : array of { strings, user_agent_ip, ?? } Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : Group names of users. Name : RequestViaStr Type : string Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : name to be appended to Via (e.g. "1.1 proxy-name") Name : Language Type : string Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : Language to be used for proxy errors and warnings Name : RemoveFrom Type : boolean Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : Determines whether "from" field is removed from the request before it is sent out. Name : RemoveReferer Type : boolean Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : Determines whether "Referer" field is removed from the request before it is sent out. Name : RemoveUserAgent Type : boolean Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : Determines whether "User Agent" field is removed from the request before it is sent out. Proxy - Processing a response: ----------------------------- Name : ResponseViaStr Type : string Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : name to be appended to Via (e.g. "1.1 proxy-name") Caching Policies: ----------------- Name : CacheOn Type : boolean Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : If true caching is on, if false caching is off. Name : HeuristicAgeFactor Type : double Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : Heuristic age of document= doc_date + (doc_date - last_mod_date)*HeuristicAgeFactor Name : AlwaysRevalidateAfter Type : int >= 0 (seconds) Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : Always validate the freshness of a cache copy if the cache has the document for AlwaysValidateAfter seconds or longer (will override client and server specification) Name : AlwaysFreshBefore Type : int >= 0 (seconds) Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : Allow a document to be served from cache as long as its age is less than or equal to AlwaysFreshBefore seconds. Overrides client and server specifications. Name : CachableSchemes Type : A bit vector Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : which schemes to cache. HTTP etc. Name : CachableMimeTypes Type : A bit vector Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : which mime types to cache. Name : NoCacheDomain Type : array of strings Who It Affects: HTTP Engine Comments : A list of domains that should not be cached. For example a small cache may not want to cache local documents. Per Transaction Statisctics: ---------------------------- Name : TransactionTotalTime Type : integer Internal : External / Internal Comments : The time elapsed from the time the user agent opened a connection to the proxy, or the time the first byte of a request was read in a keep alive connection, until the time the last byte of response was sent to the user agent. Name : TransactionThinkTime Type : integer Internal : External / Internal Comments : The time spent inside the HTTP engine. This does not include any I/O time. Name : TransactionBytesIn Type : integer Internal : External / Internal Comments : The size in bytes of the user agent's request Name : TransactionBytesOut Type : integer Internal : External / Internal Comments : The size in bytes of the response to the user agent. Name : TransactionCacheResult Type : enum { HIT, MISS, REVALIDATE_HIT, REVALIDATE_MISS } Internal : External / Internal Comments : Cache result.