[test] Description: PSI Plugin - 2 include tags in the same body ### request [client-request] request: { GET http://$(SVR_HOST):$(SVR_PORT)/ http/1.0 Host: http://$(SVR_HOST):$(SVR_PORT)/ User-Agent: HTTP Protocol Tester Client 1.0 Content-Length: 0 } ### response [server-response] http-response: { HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: +0 Server: HTTP Protocol Tester 1.0 Content-Type: text/html X-Psi: true } content-file: ./Tests/Psi/psi_files/tc4_file.txt ### verification [output] # As syntest can't do this, we need to visually inspect bodies... :-( print-headers: false print-body: true [proxy-request] verify-header-valid: true [server-response] Must-have: { Status == 200 Version == HTTP/1.1 } verify-header-valid: true [proxy-response] Must-have: { Status == 200 Server: HTTP Protocol Tester 1.0 Content-Type: text/html } verify-header-valid: true