# ############################################################################### # Content Management -- Scheduled Object Update ############################################################################### # # Entry line syntax: # \\\\\ # # 1) URL # Syntax validated. # # 2) Request Headers # Passed in each "GET" request. # Semicolon separated list of headers. # # 3) Offset Hour # Base hour used to derive the update periods. # Range: 00-23 Hours # # 4) Interval # Interval at which updates should occur starting at # "Offset Hour". Stored in units of seconds. # # Example: Offset_Hour = 12 (12 Noon), Interval = Every 4 Hours # would result in updates at # [12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 00:00, 04:00, 08:00] # # Example: Offset_Hour = 13 (1 pm), Interval = Every 24 Hours # would result in updates at [13:00] # # 5) Recursion depth (applicable only for http) # Starting with the given URL, recursively update referenced URL(s) # up to the specified depth. # ############################################################################### # # HTTP example: # # URL & Request headers, offset hour 13 (1 pm), # offset interval every 1 hour, recursion depth of 5 # # http://www.example.com\User-Agent: noname user agent\13\3600\5\ ###############################################################################